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The man dressed in a fine sky blue kaftan with a zanna bukar placed graciously on his head alighted from his Lamborghini aventador LP770-4 SVJ which had cost him 420 million, but the car was worth every penny! The car was a beauty to behold. The young man was just 30 but he was super rich, he is one of the richest men in the whole of Nigeria. People way older than him were still struggling to make ends meet, but here he was spending money lavishly as if he had a money making machine, but he had worked so hard day and night for his money so it was only right if he spent his money the way he wanted, because he had worked very hard that he never found time to rest, he never did anything fun he only worked as if his life depended on it, but he used to have fun 3 years ago and he enjoyed his life so much but it had all ended 3 years ago after the death of his fiancée, Aisha Muhammad Dan-musa. It had been hell living without her even after her death three years ago he still felt immense pain whenever he remember her everyday and he thought about her every second of his life no matter how busy he was.



Aisha Muhammad Dan-musa was his cousin and the late daughter of retired general Muhammad Dan-musa, he was 8 years old at the time Aisha was given birth to. The day he had first seen her and he was even allowed to hold her he had fallen in love with her, he was tiny at that time and a lot of people were bigger than him but she was more tiny than him and that was why he liked her, because he liked the feeling of being bigger than someone. Ever since the day he had carried her, he had taken the habit of coming to see her whenever his mother would let him which was very often because his mother and Aisha's mother were very close, Aisha's father and his mother were siblings, his father and Aisha's father were best friends and even their mothers were best friends. He and Aisha grew up together and they became very close and in fact they became best friends. They did everything together and they only did things once the other had accepted, Ayman had been in love with Aisha and he had told her about it when he thought the time was right, they had been enjoying their love life and they understood each other so well given the fact that they were best friends, they had literally planned out how they wanted their lives to be and they had planned their lives together and they could not wait for the day the knot would be tied.

   You make your plans but Allah's plan is the best no matter how it might hurt you, everything in their lives was perfect. They loved each other and when Aisha was 23 the marriage was arranged. It was on the day of the wedding and the knot had already been tied, the couples were extremely happy, the groom had come to take his bride to her new home but it was never Allah's plan that she would step feet into her matrimonial home, Aisha fell down and died before she could step feet into her new home. Ayman had helped her get down from the car but as she was about to step into her new home she fell down and gave up to the ghost. At first Ayman thought she had fainted but when the people around checked on her they realized she was dead but no one could tell the already heart broken Ayman, they all kept quiet. It was her father general Muhammad Dan-musa who was able to break the news to him. Ayman had sat in front of her corpse, he held her right hand tightly and he was just staring at her face, he was so heart broken that he couldn't tell her not to leave him, he couldn't even cry. His heart had tightened so much that even to open his mouth and speak was a great deal of pain, he just sat there as if a spell had been casted on him and he kept on watching her face. He had sat there quietly for an hour and half but the real drama began when men came in to take her to her grave, he refused to let her go, they tried to hold him forcefully but he was too powerful for them, then they tried to console him but he still refused to let go, he just wanted to stay there and keep watching her face till he also stops breathing. It had took the combination of five strong men and that was how they were able to hold him and they took Aisha's corpse away, he suddenly became quiet when he saw them taking the corpse away, he stopped shouting and he stopped struggling to free himself from the men, he was just transfixed on his spot as he watched them take her away. Realization had dawn on him that Aisha was gone, she had promise to be by his side through every thick and thin but she had left! A single tear fell from his left eye, that was the first time he cried since she was declared dead, when he had held her hand before she was taken out he didn't cry he just sat looking at her as he held her hand, even when those five men had held him he didn't cry he was just shouting and trying to free himself, but now he realized that she had left him! She had slipped out of his hand just when he thought he had her. The men released him when they saw he was calm all of a sudden and that was when he dashed out of the house as if he was being chased by a ghost, before anyone could hold him he had already entered his car and started driving like a mad man, he had followed the car that took Aisha's corpse. He was suddenly calm and he was among the people who had buried her, making sure that everywhere was covered properly in her grave knowing fully well that was the only thing he could do for her that would make her happy.

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