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didn'tget my 10 votes but i will update for the sake of the few who had voted.
Is 10 votes to much to ask?😓🤧


Maha was completely jet-lagged by the time she managed to stop a taxi to take her to malabar hill, mumbai, the city were she schools. It had taken 14 hours and 35minute of sitting down in one place and it was excruciately painful. She felt as though she was repeatedly being pricked with a needle and she couldn't wait to go to her room in her hostel so she could lie down down and sleep. Though she had slept all the way from Abuja to mumbai, she still needed to sleep, if not sleep then she needed to have a warm bath to soothe her aching muscles. Around 11:35 the taxi came to a halt in front of the majestic school campus of malabar university, she asked the driver to take her further inside the campus and into the department of the medical students and nursing students, these two departments were the most pampered in the university, they were believed to be the future leaders and saviours of their various countries. Yes, various countries! Malabar university had students from different parts of the world, it is considered the best university in the world. Only children of the rich could attend the university. Money, power and intelligence were the only things that could get you into the university, you can't have two and leave one out, you have to have all in other to get into the university because if they considered money and power alone then their business would get ruined, no parent would send his or her child to a place were everyone is dumb and hence you have to have all three. They only considered money and power for the prestige of their school. The car came to an abrupt halt in front of the medical and nursing student hostel. Getting out of the car, Maha paid the driver and took her things and went inside. The hostel was unusually quiet, she had added one week to her holiday and knowing that the people who resided in the hostel were book worms, some resumed even before the school resumed so they could be going to the university's teaching hospital to gain more knowledge. Even Maha is part of those book worms that resumes before the school resumes, when she had first gotten admission it was her mother that usaully forced her to resume before the school but as time went by her mother didn't need to force her anymore because the hospital became a part of her. The hostel was a grand one, every student had a room to his or herself, a huge bed, refridgerator, air conditioner and even a television is in the room. Because of this arrangements in the school hostels and even the extravagancy inside the school campus, only the elites could afford the school. Maha's bedroom is the second to the last in the hostel, standing in front of her bedroom she took out her key and opened the white wooden door. The room was dark just like she had left it, she placed her hand on the light switch which was just beside the door and on the light. She was dumbstruck for a moment, before she could process what was happening, people jumped out of their hiding places in the room and shouted, "surprise!" Maha looked wide eyed at the people in front of her who were all smiling widely, her eyes then moved to the white banner which had the word 'Happy married life' boldly written in red. Red and white balloons were scattered all around the room and there was a red and white cake on her study table. She felt so emotional that she began to tear up.
"Do you like it?" A red haired petite canadian lady asked.
"Do i like it?" Maha asked, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of happiness, she never thought they would go to such lengths for her. Of course she knew they were all like family since they had been living in the same hostel for almost 6 years and they shared all their problems with each other but this? She didn't expect it even in her wildest dream. She was beyond elated, when she had told them about her sudden marriage all of them kept on complaining saying that they had already planned for her wedding and now they couldn't come. The complaining went on for days and suddenly they all stopped complaining at once, saying they will make it up to her and themselves. Of course she thought they were joking since they like to talk about stupid thing but she didn't think they would actually go through with their plans.
"I love it!" Maha said as she jumped up and clapped her hands like a baby and spread her arms open and went to hug the girls. Her marriage isn't going well but that doesn't mean that she would ruin her friends hard work with her sad marriage, so she decided to play the part of the happy bride.
"Congratulations sweetheart." A chubby lady with a fair skin said hugging Maha. Among everyone in the hostel their relationship was stronger. She had been married for two years but still didn't have a child though she said that was in her favour because now she could focus on her studies. From the looks of her skin and appearance she looked nigerian.
"Oh my God, thank you Maimun. I love you!" Maha said hugging the lady called Maimun even more tightly, her real name is maimuna but everyone called her Maimun.
"You know i talked to you first when you came in here." The red haired canadian said rolling her eyes. Maha turned her attention to the petite girl in front of her and then hugged her also.
"Vera, i missed you so much."
"Hmph, you only remembered you missed me when i asked." The girl named Vera said, still not convinced.
"Come on Ver." Maha said using the girl's nickname which she loved a lot, soon enough other people began to drag her away saying that Vera wasn't the only one who wanted to talk to her. The party was moved to the hostel's common room which was also decorated in red and white, that was when Maha realized that they had really put alot for this party. It look as though they were having a bridal shower but with men.
"Now i know why the hostel was quiet when i came in." Maha said as she smiled looking at the other occupants of the hostel chatting with themselves. A fair pakistani that was standing beside Maha looked at her and smirked when he heard what she said. Suddenly Maha turned to look at the man beside her and gave him an accusing look.
"What?" The man said smiling at her, he had a crush on Maha and he still did. He knew that she knew about his crush but pretended not to know and she went with the excuse of not able to date her own class mate, now he knew he had to back out since she is already married. At first he thought he would have to compete with her annoying and hot tempered boyfriend but from the rumours he heard her marriage was arranged with her father's friend son though he had never asked her because of jealousy.
"How did you guys get the key to my room?"
"Well we told the hostel attendant our plan and she gave us a spare key."
"Awwwn, that's so sweet of you guys." Maha said as she placed her hand on her heart with a warm smile. Atfat said nothing and nodded his head with a smile.
"So are you happy?" Atfat asked after some time.
"Is there a reason i shouldn't be happy?" Maha asked and then shrugged her shoulders. Of course she had every reason not to be happy, they all knew about Farouk. Atfat shaked his head indicating no, they were silent again until Atfat spoke again.
"So who's the lucky guy?" Atfat asked trying to lift the awkwardness in the air. Subconciously a smile appeared on Maha's lips and then she said.
"Ayman Shugaba." Atfat nearly choked on his own breath when he heard that name. Only a fool didn't know that name? Who is he to love the wife of that man? Even though his family were rich and powerful in pakistan, Ayman Shugaba could destroy all that in just 10 minutes.
The celebration went on for another two hours before the cake was cut, pictures were taken and everyone went back to their various rooms. Maha was beyond tired by the time she went back to her room, she saw a lot of missed calls from her family members and she returned the calls so as not to make them worried, not that they weren't already worried since they knew that it was a 14 hour journey. She was hoping to see a call from Ayman but be never called, it would be a huge lie if she said she wasn't disappointed. Different emotions bombarded her all at once disappointment, anger and sadness. She cried herself to sleep with a red swollen eyes and puffy face.
The sound of her phone ringing was what woke Maha up around 3:50, she woke up and rubbed her already swollen eyes, when she got a clear vision of who was calling her, her eyes almost bulged out of her socket but before she could press the accept button the call got disconnected.
"No, no, no, no." Maha said when the call got disconnected, she quickly dialed Ayman's number again and after about 3 rings, Ayman finally picked up the call.
"Hello." Ayman's deep voice resounded through the phone making Maha's heart flutter.
"Hi, how are you?" Maha asked trying to hide her excitement but she failed badly at it.
"Were you sleeping?" Ayman asked ignoring her question about his welfare. Maha's heart did a flip flop when Ayman asked if she was sleeping, he had always noticed the little things about her.
"Yes" Maha said nodding her head even though he couldn't see her.
"You had a safe flight?"
"Enjoy your stay. Bye." Before Maha could say anything, Ayman had already hung up. Maha held the phone close to her chest smiling to herself.


Amongst the five most trusted kings men, Ayman only trusted two of them. He was on a conference video call with the two of them regarding a matter that concerned fraudaluent activities in the palace. Someone had been stealing the royal properties bit by bit and that someone could only be someone from the royal family, there was no way an outsider could do such a thing, even if it was an outsider then an insider was helping him pull the strings.
"It's Sadiq, i know it is him." Ayman declared, Alhaji Mustafa was quick to defend Sadiq though.
"It might not be Sadiq your higness but even if it is him you can't go around saying it is him. He is also a prince after all." Alhaji Mustapha said, trying hard to defend Sadiq.
"But he is the crown prince, he has every right to question the prince if he feels he is doing something that goes against the the royal rules." Alhaji Bala said, he was a sly and intelligent old man, not only did Ayman trust him but he likes his judgement and tends to follow it blindly.
"I want you two to go and talk to the second prince on my behalf, i don't think i will be coming to kano anytime soon." Ayman said, they all knew how their crown prince is, he never changed his decision for anyone. Displeasure was written all over Alhaji Mustapha's face.
"I think that will be all for today?" Ayman said and when non of them spoke, he hung up the phone.
Ayman laid his head back on the chair and closed his eyes, he had left the house so that he wouldn't say goodbye to her, he knew the faćade he had been putting on would shatter like a glass, it had been very hard on him giving her the silent treatment, especially when he saw her puffy eyes and swollen red eyes whenever she finished crying. He wasn't angry at her though, he was more angry at himself for thinking that his love for Aisha could be replaced so easily. This time love wasn't unfair to him instead it had thought him a lesson; and that lesson is to stick to one woman only no matter what. He felt like killing himself and ending his miserable life. When he was with Maha he had felt as if his life had finally found it's purpose again after 3 years but he was wrong. How could he think that his 23 years of love for Aisha could be replaced by a woman he meet 2 moons back? That was very stupid of him though and he was glad that she had left, at least his eyes were now finally opened from whatever spell she cast on him. No matter how much he kept telling his heart tht he was happy that she had left, he couldn't deny the fact that he missed her smiles, her cheerful and infectious laughter but most importantly he missed her beautiful green eyes. His heart clenched at the thought of not being able to see her beautiful eyes anymore. A while ago when he had come back home he had seen her letter and right then he had also admitted that he would miss her, infact since the day he had told her to do whatever she liked he had started missing her because he knew she would leave him. Again he was reminded of Aisha and how he had almost betrayed their love and he aggressively tore the paper and threw it away. He had not want to call her and he kept on debating whether he should call her or not, his hands at that time had controlled itself and dialed Maha's numbered, subconciously even though he didn't want to, he was listening intently to her voice registering her sweet melodious voice so it would keep him sane for three months until she finally came back.

Mariam sat on the bed in her maroon night gown, she was rubbing a lotion on her body which she did every night and that was what kept her skin glowing and radiant as though she was in her late thirties when she isn't. Her dark hair fell on her back just below her waist just like her daughter, Maha. The resemblance was something that could not go unnoticed. She was making alot of noise making things fall so that Sufyan would wake up but he pretended as if he didn't hear her. Mariam glared at him and she carried a bottle of perfume and threw it on the floor, she was smart and she didn't take a breakable bottle, still Sufyan didn't even flinch. She knew what she did and since Sufyan had never ignored her for so long she decided to speak first.
"Are you still upset?" Mariam asked, it was as though someone was forcing her to say the words. Sufyan smiled, though he made sure that it was noticeable. It would be good if she started taking responsibilities for her action.
"And why wouldn't i still be upset? I never heard you apologize." Sufyan said with a sly smirk, Mariam glared at him again and rolled her eyes.
"You are just being petty." Mariam said as she sat on the bed.
"Yes." Sufyan said, Mariam sat down on the bed again snd she kept rubbing the lotion on one spot absentmindedly.
"Maha..." Mariam said and then she trailed off, Sufyan turned and looked at her.
"What about her?" This was the first time she showed genuine concern while talking about any of their children.
"She's not happy." Mariam said still rubbing the lotion on the same spot.
"Did she tell you that?" Sufyan asked sarcastically, though he had a close relationship with Maha he still failed to notice her sadnes that she hid beneath those fake smiles. Mariam on the other hand had noticed it since but she ignored it but today when she was crying she just knew that something was wrong, she just knew she wasn't crying because she was going back to school. Mariam glared at Sufyan again and then said,
"I'm her mother!"
"Hmm, are you only realizing that now?" Sufyan asked still being sarcastic. Mariam rolled her eyes and ignored his remark and said something entirely different. No matter how much she wanted to ignore it she was extremely worried, what if something happened to her only daughter?
"Why don't you talk to her?" Mariam asked.
"You just said you are her mother, talk to her." Mariam rolled her eyes again and sighed tiredly and began explaining to Sufyan as though she was explaining to a child that one plus one is two.
"She is more closer to you so she will feel more comfortable telling you whatever is bothering her." Sufyan nodded his head slowly thinking about what his wife said.
"Yes you are right, i will talk to her." Mariam had already finished rubbing the lotion on her body so she entered the blanket without a word and switched off the lights.
"I hope you are not thinking that Ayman is hurting her, he is a good man." Sufyan said, he didn't want Mariam getting the wrong idea because he knew Ayman was a good man and he would never hurt her. If only he knew.... though it isn't Ayman's intention to hurt her, he still hurts her emotionally. Abruptly Mariam yanked the blanket from her body and she accusingly glared at Sufyan.
"When did i say that? Stop putting words inside my mouth Sufyan!"
"You didn't say it but who knows what you are cooking up in that head of yours, Mariam."
"Hmph." Mariam said and went back into the blanket, Sufyan chuckled and also closed his eyes to get some sleep.


Sadiq glared at his informant among the two kings men that Ayman trusted the most, the man is the same old that plans to get Asma'u married to Ayman so they can get access to the throne.
"You need to stop what you are doing, Sadiq. Ayman has already noticed." The old man chided.
"He won't hesistate to put you under house arrest if he figures out that you are the one stealing the royal properties." Sadiq was quiet for a while, he knew for a fact that Ayman was looking for the perfect opportunity to get him under house arrest, he already knew alot about his crimes but he only kept quiet because he didn't have concrete evidence. One wrong move from him and Ayman would catch him, he is an intelligent person after all just like their father. The only reason why he is still unable to catch him is because one of the two men he trust the most is his informant.
"Okay i will stop." The old man heaved a sigh of relief, if Sadiq doesn't stop then he knows for a fact that they are dead meat.
"What about his wife?" The old man resisted the urge to roll his eyes and instead answered in an annoyed voice.
"She has gone back to india to complete her studies." Sadiq stroked his beard with a sly smile, he had been really angry when she had snubbed him, no one dared to snub him like that, to make the matter even worse she had even read the message. He would make sure to deal with her.
"She is an easy prey, i will know what to do about her when Ayman is out of the way.

There won't be Ayman in the next chapter, the location is now in malabar hill. Ayman will come back in chapter 19 and if you want an update on chapter 19 then i want my 10 votes☺.

See yah!💓

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