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           To say she was tired would be a huge understatement, she was exhausted! All her energy had been drained out of her, having a mansion is nice when you aren't the one cleaning it but when it turns out you are the one cleaning it then you will wish that you only have a living room and one bedroom. Maha has been cleaning her new home for a month now after her marriage but whenever she cleans it, all her energy drains out everyday. It was now that she realized that sweeping was excruciatingly painful especially when you keep bending. She groaned helplessly and then sat on the floor, she pouted her lips and she looked as though she was about to cry. She glanced at the broom lying besides her on the floor and she took it and flung it towards Ayman's room, just then he opened his door. Maha gasped and covered her mouth with her two hands afraid that the broom might hit him but thankfully he dodged it.
     Ayman came out of his room and then his eyes fell on Maha that was sitting on the floor and pouting her lips, he knew she wouldn't be able to clean the house herself but she had never asked for his help so he never volunteered to help but now that she was sitting om the floor, pouting her lips and making a face as though she was about to cry, he couldn't help but chuckle. He picked up the broom and then handed it to her, when she saw the broom she looked at him and then glared at him, which made him chuckle again.
"You sweep, i will mop." He said in his mesmerizing sweet voice that always made her knees weak. She took the broom and started sweeping in silence and he also mopped the place she swept. After a long while, Ayman spoke. Something that had never happened before, he only spoke when he was spoken to. He had never initiated a conversation between them, though over the past few weeks she could see that the he was slowly breaking the barrier he had built around himself, he would always answer her questions whenever she spoke to him and he answered her with words, unlike before that he answered her with his eyes. She knew she just had to push a little harder and he would open up to her. It really warmed her up, the way he would always ask about her day whenever he came back from work, he would always wait for her so they can have dinner together, and best of all he would always remind her to pray everyday and everytime, what could be more beautiful than this? Although these were the only things he did for her and to some it was absolutely nothing, to her it meant the world. At least he was now beginning to care, there was a time during their marriage when he wouldn't even bother to look her way but at least now whenever he saw her, he would look at her and smile, she had noticed since that the smile was fake and it never reached his eyes but at least it was better than nothing, at least now he cared to look at her and fake a smile. It always hurt her   whenever she remembers that she cannot make him smile because he still doesn't love her and she is already head over hills in love with him. Yes she is in love with him! It might sound absurd but even she didn't know when it happened, maybe it was his little gestures of him trying to be nice to her that made her fall for him since she wasn't that hard to please. She had fallen completely and there was no return, the worst part was that she wasn't sure if he would catch her.
"We can get a maid if you want one." Ayman said, though he was speaking to her his eyes were focused on the work in front of him and it looked as though he wasn't addressing her. Maha's lips curled into a beautiful smile and her green eyes glimmed with happiness, her smile was so bright that wrinkles formed around her eyes and her dimples deepened. It is because of her distracting beautiful face that Ayman always avoided looking at her.
"Do i want a maid?" Maha asked but it sounded more like she was asking herself. Ayman's brows knitted into a frown, from the looks of things she needed a maid so why was she asking that stupid question?
"Oh my God! I don't want a maid, i need a maid!" Maha said as she sighed loudly indicating she was tired and then she slumped on the couch next to her, she spread her arms and her mouth was slightly open, she sat there in an unlady like manner but she didn't care nor did Ayman care. They were now more like friends than like husband and wife, though the friendship wasn't deep and they hardly spoke to each other, they understood each other so well without even speaking. None of them needed to act in a certain formal way infront of the other, they behaved the way they liked and none of them minded. Ayman no longer looked at Maha like she was crazy when she behaved like a drama queen, instead he would just look at her, smile and then shake his head in amusement, he found her actions rather cute now. Today was no exception, he looked at her and shaked his head, when he smiled their eyes met and she also smiled at him, a smile so beautiful that he felt his heart flutter.
"I will talk to umma to find a maid." Ayman said, Maha nodded her head and then stood up and picked the broom and continued sweeping, they worked in quietude until Maha spoke.
"Do you want me to teach you Arabic?" Maha suddenly asked out of the blue. In the ears of the listener it sounded as though she really wanted to teach him but deep inside she wanted to use it as an excuse to get even more closer to him, they sometimes stayed in the same place but only words of greeting were exchanged, it was always awkward and they hardly even sat together. She felt as though it was lack of communication that made them so distant from each other and she so badly wants to demolish that distance.
       Ayman stared at the woman in front of him, with one eyebrow slightly raised, he was caught between a rock and a hard place. On one hand after Aisha's death he had promised himself that he would never allow himself to fall for another woman because his heart only belonged to Aisha but lately, this woman whom he had met a month ago, with strange but beautiful forest green eyes whom he found annoying at first was beginning to change that. He was in a battle with himself, he didn't want to give her his heart but it was obvious his heart isn't in agreement with that decision, she had changed so much about him over only a month that sometimes he wondered whether his love for Aisha was that weak. On the other hand he had always wanted to learn Arabic but he never got the chance because things just kept popping up in his life and so he later onwards gave up but now the opportunity was here and he would be stupid if he just let it slide. Maha stared at the demigod in front of her, his brows were knitted in confusion and she knew he was debating whether he should say yes or no. To make him answer in her favour she decided to make a deal.
"It's not going to be free though." Maha said with a cheeky smile, she looked at the man waiting to get his attention and finally he turned to look at her with one of his eyebrows raised and his mouth curled in amusement.
"What is the price?" He then asked.
"You will teach me hausa." Maha said, she wasn't completely lying when she said that though, she truly wanted to learn.
"How comes you can't speak hausa, when all your brothers are good at it?" Ayman asked, he was now truly confused, he knew her grandmother from her paternal side was from kano and her father and brothers knew how to speak hausa, so how could she not?
"They never taught me."
"Or maybe you never paid attention when they were teaching you?" Ayman asked, there was no way she was going to tell him that no one among her brothers ever taught her hausa. Maha looked at him with puppy dog eyes and a pouted lips.
"So you didn't pay attention." Ayman said, from the way she behaved he knew that she didn't pay attention when they were teaching her.
"Ah, you know me so well." Maha said as she face palmed herself and pouted her lips again.
"They didn't teach me but grandma did but i never paid any attention." Maha said. Ayman said nothing and nodded his head.
"Okay." He later said.
"So you will teach me?"  Maha asked with a sweet smile, she smiled so sweetly and her smile was brighter than the moon at night and brighter than the brightest sunlight, Ayman felt his heart skip a beat. He swallowed thickly before he nodded his head and went back to what he was doing, he didn't like what his heart was doing to him, he didn't want to fall in love with her. It felt like his heart had a mind of its own but what he didn't know was that he could never stop a heart in love even if that heart is his.
"And i will also teach you arabic."

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