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       Sufyan had left sometime ago to attend to some urgent matter, Zayn was on a phone call and Nadia and Aryan had went back home. Mariam and Ayman were still in a deep conversation and Maha felt bored, she didn't want to interrupt the conversation because the topic didn't interest her, they were talking about business and politics. Maha logged into her Instagram account and she already had 4000 likes and 1000 comment on her earlier post, she had posted the picture she and Ayman had taken earlier in her house before coming in. The caption was just three blue emojis, this time around people were no longer insulting her, instead they were saying that she and Ayman made a perfect couple, she sneered when she read the comments. Still there was still a few people who were insulting her but she didn't mind, one comment did grab her attention though. It was from Farouk, he had insulted her again, so she just decided to block him. She entered her messages and then entered her message request, she liked to check on her message request in case someone she knew but wasn't following decided to message her. There were ten new message request in total and some were busy praising her telling her how beautiful she is and that she and Ayman are meant to be.  Some were still insulting her though, she found all this comments useless though since she knew none of them but just as she was about to leave something grabbed her attention, someone with the name Shugaba had sent her a message, she tapped at the message and she could see the message he had sent her, 'hello beautiful'. She scrunched her eyebrows at the endearment. Why would a Shugaba call her beautiful and that too a male Shugaba. She knew definitely that it was either Ayman's brother or cousin. The name said Sadiq Shugaba but she couldn't remember anyone with such name, not that she knew the names of the Shugaba's. She only knew her sister in laws names since they were the only ones she had communicated with when she was still in the palace. She tapped the profile and then her eyes stopped at the man's bio, it said: 'second prince of the northerners'. Oh he must be Ayman's brother since his bio says second prince. Without thinking she sent him a reply and it turned out that he was online. His pictures looked familiar though she couldn't pinpoint where she had actually met him before. He looked familiar to the man who had been pestering her and trying to flirt with her, she decided to give him a reply so she would find out if it was actually him.

'Hi.' Maha replied waiting for his reply thinking it would come a little later but the reply came almost immediately.

'How are you beautiful?' Maha rolled her eyes when she saw the endearment again, he annoyed her to no end so she decide to just go straight to the point and ask if she had met him before.

'Have we met before?' Maha asked, ignoring his question about how she is doing.

'Of course beautiful, we spoke on the day you first met Ayman and also on the day you were suppose to leave but we didn't get to speak properly because Ayman dragged you away, beautiful.'  So it really is him, Maha thought to herself. But she really was getting annoyed that he would not stop calling her beautiful.

'Can you please stop calling me beautiful?' Maha asked in a polite voice, she was boiling inside but she managed to tame her anger, she didn't want to create a bad impression for herself in front of her in-laws.

'But you are beatiful, beautiful. So why should I stop, beautiful? I am just reminding you of your beauty.'

'So you won't stop.'

'I can't stop myself even if u want to, beautiful.' Maha had had enough, she ignored him and logged out of Instagram but couldn't take her mind off what he had told her.

'Why is he trying to flirt with me? Knowing that I'm his brother's wife.' Maha thought to herself, so many of this questions were going through her mind but there was no one to answer. Now she was definitely sure that her husband's brother is flirting with her. But why would he go to such lengths if he is just flirting with her for fun? Is he in love with her?! Those questions kept hunting her even as they said goodbye to everyone and entered their car.

Match Made in jannah | (jannah series #1)Where stories live. Discover now