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          After Ayman had left his father's chamber he couldn't think of a better place to go to that he could vent his anger except his company AAS agro- Ayman Aminu Shugaba. The main office is in Abuja but he has branch offices in almost all the 36 states in Nigeria and in few neighboring countries that were into agriculture. His company is among the best agricultural company in not just Nigeria but in Togo, Uganda, Saudi Arabia and other neighboring African countries. As he stepped into the well structured skyscraper, all his employees gathered to greet him but he completely ignored them and sauntered to his manager's office. He was looking for who to vent his anger on and the unlucky person who would make any tiny mistake would become the scapegoat. He was about to step into his private elevator when he spotted a young man and a young woman chatting with each other, they were so lost in the moment that they didn't realize the CEO had arrived. Ayman stopped in his tracks and watched the young lovers, instead of anger he felt jealous. If only Aisha was still alive. A small smile appeared on his face, just standing there and watching the young lovers he could only pray that they will have the happy ever after he didn't have. The employees by that time had noticed he was staring at the young couple and they could only feel sorry for them because they thought he would lash out on them but to their surprise he even smiled, which was something very rare, when he smiled he became deadly handsome and the female employees couldn't help but drool over him even the men couldn't help but stare at the handsome creature in front of them in awe. Instead of actually going to the manager's office to vent his pent up frustration he decided to leave the office, he was no longer angry. He entered his car and drove back home, immediately he went to his chamber and packed his things in his suitcase and put the suitcase in his car trunk but then he heard a tiny female voice behind him speak in pidgin.

"Ya Ayman, where you dey go?" Taslim asked.

"Running away." He said as he closed the car trunk and turned to face her. He looked at her outfit and then asked,

"Where are you coming from? The club?" He asked still eyeing her outfit, she was wearing a blue jeans with a white Louis Vuitton t-shirt, a trucker jacket and white sneakers. she had rolled a white turban on her head exposing her front hair which was gelled.

"Jeez, Calm down! I just went hiking with my friends."

"Oh." Ayman said, he felt relieved after what she said. He was a protective brother and cared about his sisters well being.

"And if I were you I wouldn't run away from this wedding." Taslim said, somehow Ayman always listened to her advice despite their huge age gap, he is 30 and she is 25 but he still listens to her, after all the one who is born after you tends to be your favorite sibling, though Taslim could be annoying as hell.

"Why?" He asked, he looked at her with obvious disbelief and anger, how could she easily forget about Aisha so soon? They were best of friends when she was still alive. To Ayman 3 years is too soon to forget about someone you love but 3 years is actually a long time.

"Do you know Maha S.A? She is an influencer on Instagram and she is in her final year in medical school." Taslim asked.

"I don't know any influencer on Instagram." Ayman replied, had she asked him this three years ago he would have known. He had stopped using his Instagram account ever since Aisha had died, he felt it was useless. He had shared a lot of memories with Aisha on Instagram and their fans were all looking forward to the day of their wedding but instead they got a dead bride, he had stopped Instagram since that time and he only did whatsapp and twitter.

"Are you kidding me right now ya Ayman? You even read her books and watch the movies she has written." Taslim explained, Maha is a renowned novel writer and movie writer. She wrote about action, comedy, drama, fantasy, horror, mystery and romance you just had to name it and you would find it in the collection of books and movies she had written. Ayman liked her books and movies, even Aisha liked her books when she was still alive. She had been writing books for the past 9 years since when she was just 14 according to her biography, she had only started turning her books into movies 4 years ago. Ayman liked her books and movies, in fact he could even count her in as one of his favorite writer. She is too wise for her age, even when he read her books that she had written when she was 14 he still liked them, the books were childish but her words were wise.

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