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     The dark pink curtains parted a little letting the morning sunlight stream through the closed huge glass window. Maha's eyelashes fluttered open like the soft wings of a butterfly revealing her dull yet beautiful dark green eyes, she closed her eyes again but then open it immediately when she realized her head isn't on her pillow, rather it is on something broad and firm yet soft. She smiled to herself as the events from last night replayed in her mind as though she is watching a memory reel. When Ayman had caught her with the drugs she thought that he would start hating her and he would tell her family about her degrading behaviour but what he did surprised her, it only proved to her that she had a soft spot in his heart, she smiled again and then raised her head from his broad chest to look into his heavenly sleeping face. She had her head placed on his chest and both her hands on his arms hugging it tightly to herself, his large hands were wrapped securely around her waist and his other hand held her head close to his chest, she could hear his steady heartbeat and she watched as his chest rised and fall with every breath he took, he looked peaceful yet so attractive.
         The other night after he had collected all the drugs from her, he had went out of the  room only to come back minutes later without the drugs. When she had asked him what he did with the drugs he told her it was none of her business, unless she planned to steal it back. He had stayed with her until it was night time but even with the amount of time they spent in each other's company she didn't divulge her secret and he did not ask her to tell him, it made her feel better and even more comfortable around him. When it was time for him to leave and go to his room she had stopped him, she didn't know what took over her but it was as though her body was no longer under her command and even though her mind kept protesting her fragile hands still held his wrist when he was about to leave, she looked at him with puppy eyes and even without saying a word he knew she didn't want him to leave, her eyes spoke loudly, so loud that even if she were to open her mouth to speak she wouldn't speak as loudly as her eyes. Without a word Ayman had come back and settled beside her on the bed and rested her head on his chest his arm wrapped securely around her waist and he only slept when he was sure that she was already asleep.  
         Maha looked at the sleeping demigod in front of her and without knowing a wide smile appeared on her face, she felt like the luckiest woman on earth. Finally! He was hers, the fact that he is sleeping beside her after everything that had happened is a huge testimony to that. Subconciously her elegant fingers that looked like the thin long branches of a tree started to trace his face, first her hand touched his perfect eyebrows, they look as though they had been carved by the best makeup artist. He had thick and beautiful eyebrows that not every girl possessed. When her hands had touched his eyebrows he stirred in his sleep and Maha quickly removed her hand, she waited for his eyes to open and when it didn't her hand went to his thick, silky smooth dark hair. She relished in the softness of his hair and she ruffled it with her fingers giggling to herself, not minding if she woke him up in the process. Then she touched his eyes and then his eyelashes, the sun that peeked through the curtains landed on his face and it created the shadow of his lashes right beneath his eyes, she stared at his dark long lashes in utter admiration and jealously, then she pouted her lips. Even she didn't have such long eyelashes and he who is a man had it? She pouted her lips again and then she flicked his nose with her thumb. Her gaze dropped on his luscious pink lips and she bit the inside of her cheeks to suppress her smile, even though she was embarassed she still wanted to touch his lips to know if it was also soft. As she brought her hands to his lips, his mouth suddenly opened and before she could react he grabed her index finger between his teeths.
"Are you done?" His deep husky morning voice asked, her finger still in between his teeth and his eyes closed as though he was still sleeping. His voice sounded so refreshing to her ears, it felt as though cold water had been poured on her after a long burning day, she smiled sheepishly to herself. His eyes fluttered open to reveal his unfathomable black eyes and then he released her finger. His eyes held so much secrets just like her green ones, when she tried to see the secrets, it felt as though an invisible door was stopping her from knowing the secrets. He smiled at her, a smile that melted her completely and made her brain go numb, without knowing she smiled at him. They gazed into each other's eyes smiling at each other, no words were said but their eyes spoke volumes. Black against green! He hoisted his eyebrows demanding answer to the question he had asked, blood rushed to her cheeks painting her face crimson red. She hid under the blanket, blushing.
"What are you saying?" She asked when his eyes wouldn't stop staring.
"Oh, so you plan to play dumb? Very well then." He said with a teasing smile, today was the  first time that she saw him with a real smile that didn't leave after a second but stayed. Without thinking she cupped his face is her hands and gazed tenderly into his eyes.
"What happened that made you lose your smile?" She whispered, she saw as the gleam in his eyes died and his jaw clench. His reaction only proved to her that her theory was right, she always suspected that something had made him turn into this grumpy man and now she was sure that something had really happened but what could it be?
          Ayman stared at the woman in front of him with an unfathomable expression on his handsome face, could he really do it? Could  he unbolt the gates of his heart for her and let her in? Would it be so easy for him to forget about his Aisha? The woman he has loved for 23 years just for the sake of a woman he met barely 2 months ago. Was his love that weak? His mind was telling him no but his heart was screaming yes and thrashing inside of him just so he could be let to speak his opinion. Would it be fair to Aisha? To let another woman reside in his heart? A place that belonged only to her, again his mind was screaming no but his heart kept telling him yes, his heart kept telling him that she deserved every bit of his love, she didn't just deseve to reside in his heart but his heart was already hers. He looked into her hypnotizing eyes, he was in a battle between his heart and mind and he didn't know which to follow. Every part of his body was telling him to hold her, embrace her and protect her and only his mind was against it. As to when he started developing this feelings for her, he didn't know and he didn't care to know. Maybe it was her bewitching eden green eyes or her cheeky and childish behaviour that entranced him, he didn't know and he didn't care to know. Should he give love another chance? Would love be fair to him this time? Would love spread it's tender embrace and protect him? Would it? Would it give him a chance to spend his lifetime with his beloved? If love gave him a chance would it be fair towards Aisha? Would she look at him from heaven and smile? When he has forgotten about her and moved on. A bitter yet beautiful smile appeared on his face and he tenderly cupped her cheeks and gazed into her eyes for the longest of time.
"It was life, life turned me this way." He said with a bitter smile, he still didn't know what he felt for her but he knew one thing for sure, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He wanted to give love another chance with her and yet he still didn't know what he felt for her. Up untill yesterday, he was sure that he had no such feelings for her but now he wasn't so sure about that. Maybe because he wanted to give love another chance with her, he couldn't divorce her and he couldn't hate her even after what he saw last night. When he saw her crying he felt his world slowly crumbling and he wanted to destroy whatever it was that made her cry but then he found out she was the reason for her tears. Could he destroy the one his heart has come to adore? His heart knew he couldn't but his mind kept telling him that he could.

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