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Have you ever married a man whom you have never seen? Well I guess that might have been possible in the olden days but now it sounds really weird. Who would have thought that I, Dr. Maha Sufyan Al-harith is set to marry a man whom I have never seen. I, who has many men at my feet begging me to just look their way. An arranged marriage just sounds ridiculous for someone like me. But then again, all public figures have a dark secret that they hide from the media with their smiles and the way they showcase their life on social media and even I am not excluded. Well my marriage is no secret since i had accepted, had I said no then no it shall be. What is funny is the fact that I have never seen the man I am marrying, not even in a picture! The fact that I take drugs is a huge story that would shake the media, because even I know that I don't look like an addict. Well long story cut short, today is my wedding day!

The house is already filled with relatives from Saudi, I know some and some I just pretend like I know them. My movement got restricted yesterday because it turns out that it is the tradition of the grooms family that the grooms family is not allowed to see the brides face until after the wedding. The worst part is this is not my dream wedding! First of all I am not marrying the love of my life! Which I already knew so it isn't much big deal but the worst part of all is the fact that my groom is not here at the wedding! Shocked right? Well even I was shocked when I learnt about it yesterday. I felt heartbroken and shattered even though I didn't know the groom. Though this is an arranged marriage I at least expect him to make effort and try to make the marriage work. His family had apologized saying something important held him but I still felt bad, they said that he would pick me up at the airport when we landed in Kano and that somehow made me feel better. Kano! It had been six years since I last went to Kano, my father's mother is from Kano and we always went to Kano during our holidays but I had stopped going to Kano because that devastating incident that happened six years ago happened in Kano. I took in a deep shaky breath to steady myself, today is my wedding day and I had to have positive thought in mind. Suddenly the door opened with a loud bang and Layla rushed inside the room with her arms wide open signaling she wants to hug me, I granted her request and she hugged me tightly as if trying to squeeze the life out of me.

"My baby is finally married!" That was it! The knot had been tied! It sounded so foreign to my ears being called someone's wife, someone I didn't even know and have never seen.

"Do you know who the groom is? OMG! I am so excited I could faint right now." Layla said happily.

"Is the groom here?" I asked, the groom must be here since Layla sounds like she has seen him.

"No, but your groom is the one and only Ayman Shugaba!" Layla said as she squealed with delight. I stared at her blankly for a moment, she was joking right? So I am not the only influencer who is going to surprise her fans with an arranged marriage. Who would have thought a man like Ayman Shugaba would get married to a woman he didn't know and have never met. His wedding is what everyone had been waiting for, people wanted to see who the lucky girl would be. Money, fame and good looks he had it all! Well it turned out that I am the lucky girl everyone had been waiting to see. But what if Layla is just pulling my legs?

"If I find out this is one of your stupid jokes then I am going to detach your head from your body!"

"'ant 'akthar man hurin fi alqiam bidhalik; you are more than free to do so." Layla said grinning widely. Her smile, her excitement and everything about her since she entered the room told me that she is telling the truth. Layla, Aya and Lana had been really upset when they found out about me getting married to a man I didn't know. Layla had said that once the knot is tied and she saw the guy did not deserve me then she would tell him to divorce me, and I knew she and Aya would definitely do that because they are crazy. Maybe they had escaped the mental asylum? No one knows.

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