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"Is it done?" Ayman asked Ummita through the phone.
"Yes, everything is set." Ummita replied.
"Alright, thank you." Ayman said and then he hung up the phone call. A beautiful smile bloomed on his face when he remembered Maha, he hasn't seen her since morning but he knew for sure she had gone to the hospital. Today is the 31th of december and he is just waiting for 12 midnight to complete his plan. It has been two month since they came back from kano, alot had happened during their stay in kano. It was an incident that had shattered them both but at the end of the day it was completely up to them to choose whether they would let what happened to break them or make them, so they chose the latter.

They had both finally learnt to accept their past and it proved to be the best, Sadiq would have maybe been kept in prison for sometime and then all the items he stole be confiscated but his crime was worst than that. He had been charged for attempted rape and also a murder case, in short he had been hanged. It was a very quiet affair and no one knew what happened because Aminu made sure the media weren't informed, after all evidence had been gathered, Sadiq was executed.

His mother was also discovered to have taken part in his crimes, some of Aminu's children from his 2nd and 3rd wife were also discovered to have been involved in fraudalent activities. Aminu was beyond disappointed when he had found out, he started to question himself as a father. He couldn't help but wonder if he had given his children enough attention, at the end of the day no one could deny the fact that Aminu has been a good father to all his children, it was their greed that made them do it. Aminu made sure that they were all punished according to their crimes even though they were his children, it was a tough decision but he had to do it for his sake and their sakes as well.

In the quiet reflection of the subsequent months, Ayman found himself revisiting the revelations stirred by Sadiq's confession. The shadows of Aisha's memory, once overwhelming, began to recede, leaving room for a subtle transformation within Ayman.

As time flowed, Ayman sensed a gradual acceptance taking root. Aisha's absence, though ever-present, no longer cast an impenetrable shadow over his heart. Instead, it became a poignant part of his past, a chapter of grief and resilience that had shaped him.

In the midst of this emotional evolution, Ayman looked forward to a significant moment. He acknowledged that the tendrils of his past were loosening, making space for a burgeoning affection for Maha. The journey from sorrow to acceptance, a path marked by internal conflicts and reflections, had paved the way for a new chapter.

The complexities of Ayman's emotions found clarity as he embraced the idea of letting Maha into his heart. The walls, once guarded by grief, now softened, allowing the warmth of affection to seep through. It was a subtle but profound shift, a silent acknowledgment of a nascent love waiting to be explored.

He would confess to her about his love once it was 12 midnight, it would mark the beginning of a new year. He wanted to start new year on a happy note, to be more precise he wanted to start new year with the love of his life, Maha. Now he knew he couldn't let go of her after this one year, the complicated emotions he had been having were now finally cleared and now he knew he loves Maha.

He would never have known the joy of her presence if he had rejected the proposal like he had done with all the other proposals, he couldn't bear to lose her. Just the thought of losing her made him feel sick, he would die if he were to ever lose her. It might be safe to say he is scared of losing her more than he was ever scare of losing Aisha. With Aisha, he had been living in a fairy tale where he thought that they would live forever or maybe they would die together.

With Maha, it felt different. There was always this lingering fear in his heart that was telling him she wouldn't be with him forever and that only made him love her even more, she truly is a breath of fresh air. He could write a whole book about his love for her, she had held his hand when he didn't want to hold hers. She stayed with him and supported him through all his emotional turmoil, she is everything he had ever wanted and more.

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