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Maha felt ecstatic, she stood in front of the mirror looking absolutely stunning. Retrieving her phone from the bed she took a few pictures which she posted on instagram and whatsapp with the caption, 'no water for a month but i came dripping!' and then she added the fire emoji's. She felt happy today, Zayn would be coming today and today is eid, she hasn't seen him or any of her family members for the past 1 months and she missed them alot. She felt so happy and she knew nothing would ruin her mood, nothing had been able to ruin her mood during eid so far. But what she didn't know is that this eid is different from all those other eids, today her life would take a turn for either the worst or better. It would take just one wrong decision and she will completely ruin her life, events from her past will be revealed on this holy occasion and she didn't even know. Today she would have to face her fear but she didn't even know about the upcoming danger so she couldn't prepare for it. What will happen today might just end up shattering her completely and reopening wounds that are yet to heal.

Ayman stepped into the room clad in a white kaftan, he looked absolutely gorgeous that Maha couldn't take her eyes off of him. Suddenly he came behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist, hugging her from behind. Then he suddenly pecked her cheeks, Maha's eyes widened like a saucer when her mind registered what he just did.
"Focus on yourself you also look beautiful." Ayman whispered as he grabbed her chin and made her look at herself in the mirror.
"Is that a compliment or what?" Maha asked with a light chuckle.
"It's a compliment." Ayman said, both Maha and Ayman gazed into each other's eyes through the mirror as they smiled lovingly at each other.

The other day at the cemetry, after Ayman had asked that question to no one in particular, they had both sat silently in the cemetry holding onto each other and afraid to let go. Each one of them was afraid that the other would escape if they let go and so they had held each other tightly as they looked at Aisha's grave. It was a sad sight to see.

Maha raised her phone to take another picture with Ayman, she took almost seven pictures while they were still in the same postion looking at each others eyes through the mirror.
"Why do you like taking picture so much?" Ayman asked, he chuckled right next to her ear and the sensation made her shiver.
"I just like looking at myself and admiring my beauty." Maha said with a shrug, Ayman nodded his head as he rested his head on her shoulder and took a deep breath and closed his eyes, the scent of her perfume was more stronger from her neck.
"Maybe you won't see me for the whole of today after I go out now." Ayman said, his head still buried in her shoulders.
"Where are you going to?" Maha asked.
"Today is the durbar ceremony." Ayman said and Maha's mouth formed an O. How could she forget such an important ceremony in the northern part of nigeria, the Durbar ceremony is a colorful and vibrant event, particularly celebrated during eid. It involves a procession of horses and participants adorned in traditional attire. The Emir or local leader, accompanied by his entourage, parades through the city or town, showcasing cultural splendor. The ceremony often includes traditional music, dance, and displays of horsemanship, creating a lively and festive atmosphere that reflects the rich cultural heritage of the Hausa people. On the first day of eid, the durbar is celebrated in the palace of the northern king and then the kings celebrate the rest of the durbar in their various states, the first day of eid tends to be the hardest for the Shugabas' because of the many guest that keep swarming in and out.
"I will get going." Ayman said and then he reluctantly released Maha and left.

Maha also decided to step out of the room because she was getting bored, it seems the maids and guards have now recognized her as the crown princess because they all bowed their heads and greeted her whenever she passed. Maha walked elegantly in her white and golden dress, she had a beautiful smile on her face and her emerald eye glistened with pure delight.
"Beautiful." That voice made Maha stoppd in her tracks and a scowl formed on her face, her emerald eyes dimmed as it glistened with pure untamed anger. Turning around all those emotions from ealier on had disappeared and a fake smile was plastered on her face.
"Sadiq." Maha said through gritted teeth as she chose to ignore the endearment. Sadiq smiled sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly, Maha couldn't help but roll her eyes at his action. She had to go away from him, he is among the people whom Ayman told her she must always stay away from among the Shugabas'. Before coming to kano, Ayman had briefed her about his family, he told her that the only people she can trust among the Shugabas' is Samira and Aminu and then his sister from the same mother, the rest he told her were all wolf in sheep clothing. She was surprised though, it wouldn't be called a royal family if they didn't have wolf in sheep clothing, right? In other to survive in a royal family, you must always keep your guards up and never lower it for anyone, no matter what.
"Walk with me." Sadiq said as he stood beside her trying to act like a perfect gentleman.
"Prince Sadiq, since you saw me outside then you must know that i am going somewhere, right?" Maha asked with a stoic expression, it seems living with Ayman had made her to master the art of keep her face neutral or stoic. For a moment annoyance flashed in Sadiq's eyes but he quickly masked it with a smile, if Maha had not been closely watching him then she wouldn't have noticed.
"What's with the formalities, beautiful?"
"For the last time, will you stop calling me that ridiculous name?" Maha snapped, her patience was hanging on a thin thread and she needed to leave immediately or else nothing will stop her from shouting at Sadiq.
"C'mon beautiful--" Sadiq cut himself off when he noticed that she was actually leaving, he called her by the nickname he has give her but she didn't stop. Without any choice he was forced to call her name and immediately he called her name, she stopped.
"Why are you so cold towards me?" Sadiq asked.
"Is there a reason why i should be warm towards you?" Maha asked, she was glaring daggers as Sadiq but he ignored it all and spoke.
"Beautiful--" Again Maha turned to leave before he could continue speaking, this time Sadiq didn't wasting his time calling her and he grabbed her wrist. Sadiq didn't even have time to process what happened after he held her hand, he just felt a burning sensation on his cheek as Maha yanked her hands away from his hold, her eyes were blazing with rage and her chest raised up and down rapidly as she glared at Sadiq, the wind played with her scarf and the white scarf floated behind her making her looking like a battle angel.
"The next time your flithy hands touch me i will make sure that i do more than just slapping you." Maha threatened and then she turned to leave.
Sadiq stood in shock still holding his left cheek as he watched Maha's silhoutte disappear. Now he would definately go ahead with his plan, he would teach her a lesson that she will never be able to show her face in public, he will make sure to ruin her and he will do that before she leaves kano. Turning around, Sadiq saw the maids and guards still standing around, he felt more enraged that the workers had saw how a woman had slapped him.
"What are you looking at?! LEAVE!" Sadiq shouted like a maniac and immediately everyone left.

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