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       Maha sauntered  out of the room as if she wasn't the one who had said all those things. Once she had closed the door behind her Maha leaned back on the door and took a deep shaky breath to calm herself down.

"Damn! That man is one scary but handsome man." Maha said and then she chuckled to herself, she didn't even know whether she should be happy or sad about the fact that he doesn't love her and isn't willing to give their marriage a chance, all she knew is that she had fun teasing him. The way his cold and unfathomable expression kept changing to shock and amusement was really worth it. Though he tried to hide his emotions with his blank face and unfathomable eyes, Maha knew that something was bothering him since the first time she had laid eyes on his black eyes, there is a scar that he has buried deep within him, no not a scar but an injury that was never attended to. She could see it clearly in his eyes no matter how much he had tried to mask his emotions. With the way he had kept on frowning his face, Maha had really gotten scared but then now that she had spoken to him, even though she had done most of the talking she realized he is just a broken person who needs a shoulder to lean on but never got one because of the way he hid his broken self with his cold and icy self. Her heart bled for him right at that moment that she realized he is just a broken person who needs saving. Maybe Layla was right after all, they are a match made in jannah because both their situations were quite the same. They are both broken beyond repairs, while she sought solace from drugs, he got his from being all cold and icy and pretending to be strong but she knew he wasn't, he just pretended to be one. She could tell from the way he had smiled and then he tried to hide his smile, it was obvious he was broken and and he didn't want to bring her into his broken world not knowing that even she herself is already broken.  

            Still thinking about Ayman, Maha sat on the couch on the living room. What if it has been written in our destiny to help each other? What if we are each other's savior? What if the marriage is what will help us to fix our broken selves? What if....? So many what ifs but there was no one to give her any answers. Sighing loudly, Maha stood up and entered her bedroom. She had realized that the bedroom she is staying in, is Ayman's room and also the master bedroom and even though he clearly dislikes her, he didn't tell her to choose another room to stay in. She smiled to herself at his kind gesture. About 30 minutes later she heard a knock on her door, her brows creased a little wondering who it was, she thought maybe it is Fattu or Tessie but then she remembered she had told Ayman to knock on her door. If it had been Fattu or Tessie they would have kept knocking until she answered, well that was what any normal person would do but the knocking only came once and if one wasn't paying attention he would have heard it. Happily Maha jumped down from the bed and took her suitcase and hand bag and ran out of the room. She saw Ayman dressed in a white kaftan and a zanna bukar cap, she smiled to herself knowing that he was the one who had knocked on her door. She could only see his back but he walked ever so gracefully like the prince he is, even with out talking his aura depicted authority. If he was going to take one step because of his long legs to go somewhere then Maha knew hers would be at least five steps but he still walked gracefully. When they got outside, they loaded their suitcases in the car trunk and then he didn't say anything but only signaled her to follow him. 'It seems he is a man of few words.' Maha thought to herself. 'Well I'm am going to change that." Maha thought again and then she smiled to herself. Maha had to hasten her step in other to catch up with him but when they reached the vast garden Maha ran a little to catch up with him. She looked around her environment and she realized the garden was beautiful, she made a mental note to come and see it when they come back next time. When she finally reached Ayman she held her hand out and held his arms, which made Ayman freeze in his tracks.

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