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"Nur, Nur wait up." A tiny voice called out to Maha who was practically running to get to her car, she had a surgery today and she is extremely late.
"You didn't take your medicine today, again." Azran pouted with a cute frown as he feigned annoyance, he made sure to lay more emphasis on the 'again'. She had caught a minor headache last week and since then Azran wouldn't let her leave the house without taking her medicine, even after she told him she is fine. He said she had to finish all the dosage, she could already picture him as one of those annoying parents' who will insist you finish all the medicine even when you tell them you are feeling better.

Turning around Maha saw Azran with a water bottle in his hand and his other tiny hands held the pills, he frowned his face and refused to smile, he had Ayman's personality of a blank and unfathomable face. Maha found him so cute that she pinched his cheeks but Azran stood his ground and refused to be sweet talked. Maha also pouted before she collected the drugs, just as the little boy was about to keep the drugs in her hand, he retracted his hand and instead told her to open her mouth.

Maha smiled warmly as she crouched down to his level, she opened her mouth and his tiny hands placed the pill inside her mouth before he gave her the water.
"Is that all?" Maha asked after she swallowed the pill.
"Yes Nur." Azran said and then he pecked her cheeks and ran back inside the house, warmth filled her heart as Maha watched the retreating figure of her four year old.

Azran, a striking manifestation of the union between Maha and Ayman, bears the imprint of his mother's delicate features. His face, a canvas painted with the ethereal contours that once defined Maha's beauty, exudes an enchanting grace. Yet, beneath this visage lies an enigma – the mysterious expressions that dance across his countenance mirror the stoic and unfathomable gaze of his father, Ayman.

Crowning his features is a crown of jet-black curls, a testament to the mingling of his parents' traits. The curls cascade with an effortless charm, framing the face that narrates a tale of lineage and individuality. However, what truly captivates the onlooker is the kaleidoscope within Azran's eyes. One, a deep abyss of black, reminiscent of the paternal legacy he carries, while the other, a verdant hue of green, whispers of the maternal connection that threads through his existence. In those eyes lies a unique narrative, a convergence of past and present, a living testament to the love story that brought him into being.

Azran and Azra had also started to call her Nur because that was what they heard their father calling her, they refused to call her mum or mummy just like all children and instead they insisted on calling her Nur. When they had first started talking and refused to call her mummy and insisted on Nur, Ayman had kept grumbling that they had stole the nickname he had had for, Maha only smiled, she never interfered in the banter Ayman had with his kids. It was more like Azra and Ayman teaming up against Azran, Azran is the quiet and timid one like his father and Azra, the blabber mouth like her.

For the past four years, Maha has reveled in the gentle embrace of contentment, her days illuminated by the radiant glow of familial bliss. The echoes of laughter and the warmth of shared moments have woven a tapestry of joy that envelops her heart, a kaleidoscope of emotions painting the canvas of her existence in vibrant hues.

In this sanctuary of love and togetherness, Maha finds solace, a refuge from the storms of life that once threatened to engulf her. The love she shares with Ayman, Azra and Azran is the bedrock upon which her happiness stands, a foundation fortified by the shared experiences, triumphs, and even the occasional challenge.

Each sunrise paints a new stroke on the canvas of her happiness, a masterpiece composed of shared smiles, whispered confidences, and the unspoken understanding that binds her to Ayman, Azra and Azran. The ordinary moments, tinged with extraordinary love, have become the building blocks of her sanctuary. From the morning rituals to the bedtime stories, every thread in the intricate tapestry tells a tale of love, resilience, and unwavering commitment.

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