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Aleem's eyes held no remorse as his monstrous gaze held Maha's who cowered back in fear, memories of six years ago came rushing back to him like a memory reel. He felt no regret whatsoever for whatever had happened that faithful night, he could have lost his position as the third heir which was already at stake at that time and so he had killed Ayub. Yes, he was actually the one who stabbed his own nephew but Maha thought she was the one. At that time he was standing outside her bedroom waiting for the right time to struck, fortunately for him she held a knife in her hand so she could threaten him with it when he came back. He knew that knife was just for show because she will never be able to raise it at anyone, she is too naive and foolish to do it even if it meant saving her own life.

As Ayub attempted to scare Maha from behind, her instincts kicked in, and in a moment of sheer terror, she whirled around, a gasp escaping her lips. In the dim light, her eyes widened as she believed she saw the blade of the knife pierce Ayub's form.

However, the reality was a cruel deception. Unbeknownst to Maha, Aleem had seized the opportunity in that chaotic moment to carry out his sinister plan. It was his knife that had inflicted the fatal wound on Ayub, concealed by the shadows and the confusion of the scare.

In the aftermath, Maha, still grappling with the shock and horror of what she believed she had done, was unaware that her uncle, the true orchestrator of the tragedy, had manipulated the situation to cast blame upon her.

It didn't go as planned though because Ayub had seen him and that was why he had told Maha it isn't her fault, Ayub had tried to hold him and shout for help but he had plunged the knife deeper into his chest and that was why he had died before people could even come to his aid.

He had always been the greedy one among his siblings even during their childhood but no one ever thought it would lead him this far. What happened with Maha was not something he had planned, the girl was truly beautiful and he had followed the devil's whisperings which brought about all his problems in the first place. When their parents found out about his pathetic behaviour, they had disowned him. The fact that he didn't regret what he did to the 16 year old was what had made them angry. He truly did not regret it even now, it was her fault for being too beautiful.

He had been carrying out some plans to steal his other siblings inheritance and at that time when Ayub had came back, he had accidentally saw some papers concerning the matter. His parents' had already told him to leave the house but he didn't but the moment Ayub saw those papers, he knew he was doomed and he had to leave. He had murdered Ayub and he fled leaving his wife and 14 years old at that time, he left his family and for the past 6 years he had never turned back, he settled in germany and made a new family. He had found out five years ago that his father had restricted his entry into Saudi Arabia.

Aleem gritted his teeth when he remembered Ayub, he and the boy had never really gotten along, many times he had tried to stay in the house privately with Maha so he so he could have his way with her but Ayub would refuse to leave. With the way his green eyes had always looked at him, he knew for a fact the boy didn't trust him and that was why he didn't want to leave him with his sister.

When Ayub was still alive, he had been the best of friends with Maha, their bond was unlike any other he had ever seen. They loved and adored each other so much that when he had made Maha think she killed him, he had almost felt bad. Ayub could have still been alive if he had made the right choice and kept his mouth shut at that time.

"Doctor, there's the patient." Aleem said as he pointed towards Maha, immediately he said that she turned to hold her husband in fear but the man didn't even react. He didn't push her nor did he support her.
"Ayman hold her, she's insane we have to give her this injection." Even when Aleem said this, Ayman didn't react he just sat there like a stature.
"Please Ayman, you know I'm not crazy. You have been living with me for months, you would have known if I am crazy." Maha said, she held Ayman's hands tightly and she refused to let go.
"That's what a crazy person would say." Aleem said and then he scoffed, he moved towards the bed to grab Maha and he could see the horror in her eyes as she released Ayman and kept moving back. He wore a sinister and lustful smile as he looked at her, his disgusting lustful eyes looked at her body and he couldn't help but marvel as she has become more beautiful. Just as he was about to grab her hand, a hand shot out and held his.
"Ayman wha--" He didn't get to finish his sentence when a painful blow landed right on his face, he stumbled back holding his nose. He felt something warm on his nose and he knew the bastard had broken his nose, he felt his world spinning around and he barely managed to stay awake.

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