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Also, I really don't know if the chapter are edited or not, but I think they are. I don't have strength to check and see whether or not they are edited, this fasting is not child's play at all 😩



Zayn's hands gripped the steering wheel with an intensity that matched the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. The engine's roar became a symphony echoing the turbulence of his thoughts as he navigated the dimly lit roads, each streetlamp passing by casting intermittent shadows across his furrowed brow.

The night air held a charged stillness, broken only by the rhythmic hum of the car's engine and the occasional sigh that escaped Zayn's lips. He was on a journey, not just down the familiar streets of the town, but into the recesses of his own conflicted heart. The road stretched out before him like an uncharted path, and every twist and turn seemed to mirror the convoluted nature of his emotions.

Zayn's mind raced, a cacophony of memories, regrets, and hopes clashing within him. He had not yet reached Tessie's house, but the anticipation hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension that magnified the tumult of his inner turmoil. With each passing mile, the realization of the gravity of the situation sank deeper, and Zayn's thoughts became a tempest, mirroring the speed of his car.

Anger, like a dormant volcano, began to erupt within him. Images of Layla's involvement, the betrayals both perceived and real, fueled the flames of resentment. The steering wheel bore the brunt of his frustration as he clenched it tighter, the metallic taste of bitterness lingering in the air. How could Layla, his supposed confidante, be the architect of such chaos in his personal life? The questions echoed in his mind, unanswered and unsettling.

Hatred, a visceral emotion that seemed alien yet undeniable, crept into Zayn's heart. Layla's actions had punctured the fabric of trust, and the venom of betrayal poisoned his every thought. The friend he had once cherished now became a symbol of deception, a catalyst for the breakdown of the relationship that meant the world to him.

Worry, like a relentless companion, gnawed at the edges of Zayn's consciousness. The fear of irreparable damage to his connection with Tessie loomed large, casting a shadow over the dashboard lights of his car. The uncertainty of whether he could salvage what was left of their love fueled the tension in the confined space of the vehicle.

The city lights blurred into streaks of neon as Zayn continued to navigate the labyrinth of his emotions. The intersection of anger, hatred, and worry created a complex emotional landscape that mirrored the intricate twists and turns of the roads he traversed. The headlights of passing cars became transient witnesses to the emotional tempest that enveloped him.

The radio played a melancholic melody, a companion to the symphony of Zayn's thoughts. The lyrics of lost love and redemption seemed to resonate with his own internal struggle. The dashboard clock blinked with a cruel reminder of the passage of time, each second ticking away as Zayn grappled with the weight of the emotions that threatened to drown him.

As the miles unfolded, so did the layers of Zayn's introspection. The car became a cocoon, encapsulating the storm of emotions raging within him. The journey, both literal and metaphorical, continued into the depths of the night, a solitary pilgrimage toward a resolution that remained elusive on the horizon.

As Zayn's car pulled over Ayman's driveway, the engine's subdued hum came to a hushed halt. The night air enveloped him as he stepped out, the cold pavement beneath his shoes grounding him in the reality of the moment. The silence outside mirrored the turmoil within him as he approached the door, his hand poised to knock.

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