Chapter : 1 {Where All Started}

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Y/n's POV :

Y/n!!!! Y/n!!!!!

I heard someone scream for me while shaking me, however i didn't wanna open my eyes as it was still midnight as far as i was aware of, i don't care even if it was morning!! I don't wanna go to school!!

mom screamed again, this time, i heard not only her voice, but dad's screams.
Its weird, what's happening?
I opened my eyes just to meet with my mom....... With blood all over her body? Mom's big blue eyes were filled with tears which i never saw before, blood was everywhere, even on her curly dark brown hair. Before i could say anything, mom closed my mouth with her hands and shuttered while crying.... "Y/n, come with mom, they found us! You have to get away from here!!! As far as possible!!!!".i looked outside the window from my bed just to see a peaceful full moon hanging on the sky in the deadly night.

Before i could process anything i was in a small boat alone, 6-7feet away from my island, the place i was born and lived till now,
I screamed and told my mom to come with me too, however all she did was cry holding her arm, there was blood in it.....LOTS of it, 8 year old me did nth but cry and scream while begging her to not leave me......

I falled asleep shortly after that, maybe because i thought my family is gonna be safe? Or that dad was too strong for anyone to do any harm to them? I don't know........ I woke up the next day, in a bed? Where was i? Was all that a dream? Maybe i was dreaming,maybe i am dead? i could hear a woman's voice close to me... What is she saying?

Third person's POV :

Makino : "I am worried doctor san....... She is gonna be okay right?? "Said the black haired woman.

Doctor : "don't worry she is just sleeping, and was dehydrated"

Makino : "what bout the BLOOOD!!!!? are u lying to me???? "

Doctor : "makino san is kind and beautiful but she can also turn into a demon sometimes huh.... Don't worry she is alright, it wasn't her blood, her body isn't injured one bit, it was someone else's blood. Maybe she was escaping her kidnappers or sth, you can ask her after she wakes up, for now i think u guys should call the police and file a report."

Village cheif : "hmmm,thank you for the advice doctor,u may leave now....Makino!!!i was so shocked when u came running to the bar from the harbor with a kid!! Early in the morning too!!!
I thought u went to buy fresh fish there!!!! Does this kid seems like a fish to you?!! "

Makino : "how could i leave a kid covered in blood on a boat sleeping alone??! She could had died back there!"

Y/n : "an- an angel?"whispered the kid with green eyes.

Makino : "WO-WOW YOU ARE AWAKE.... (HUGS) "

Y/ n : (in her mind) "she smells of flowers like mom... "

*next day at the bar*


"Soo all u remember is you were sleeping after dinner and at midnight your mom woke u up.....And said u have to go? And put u in a boat!? She was also covered in blood and that got rubbed on u later? and u even heard your dad scream once, hmmm... Maybe you guys were attacked by pirates or bandits!" i said to the little dark brown haired girl who was drinking some juice i had given her.
All she said was "pirates?" With a horrid look, maybe she grew to dislike them now....

I thought in my mind (" Hmm the girl said she is 8 and her name is y/n l/n, she lived in MUNSHI village or island, she doesn't know if munshi is her village name or island name, hmmmm the real problem is no one seemes to know where this place is... And her parents are probably dead by now too...... I have no other way")
"Okayy y/n from now on u will live here. But with who?i don't have a good income to feed another, plus raising a kid is hard.... I am busy with the bar itself-

*someone kicks the bar door open*

Grap : "yooooo,makino, i brought back Luffy".

Luffy : "yo", said the Strawhat boy as he had a big grin on his face

Makino, while smiling,"luffy!!"

Grap said while scraching his nose, "soo i have decided to take luffy to where ace is, seems like staying here has left him a good expression with some pirates, gotta stop that, btw who is that girl? I didn't knew u had a daughter", pointing to the 8yo who was now sitting alone, deep in her own thoughts.

Worried makino told her problems to the stupid police while he was punching luffy for running around too much, grap replied, "well i have a solution for u!!! I can take her in!! She can stay with luffy and ace, kids needs company too ykk"..... Makino knew it is gonna bring trouble, but little did she had a choice.

Y/n saw the scenes unfold and mumbled under her breath "Ace.... ? "

Y/n's POV :

While i was thinking about who ace was and how badly the grandpa has punched that strawhat kid,a small hand poked my back, when i looked back i saw the guy with the strawhat,he was a cute little child, shorter and younger than me, which i could already tell By his appearance, then he poked his fingers into his nose.....
"Lacks some manners huh".... I thought to myself

The little guy spoke, " Yo i am luffy, and you are? "
"I am y/n, nice to meet you"
"You are happy that you met me????!!!YAY!!!Lets be friends"
He kinda made me giggle to myself with his stupidity, for a moment ,i forgot bout my tragedy which happen with me.

And with that me and that boy shook hands, BUT i made him use his left hand because he poke his nose with the right one :)

After saying my goodbye to sister makino amd hugging her, I left with that big gramps named garp and luffy, running while holding his left hand, to the mountains.

*Thats all folks! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapterr!!!should i continue the story?!See you in the next if you guys want, i will update everyday if i can, or once a week if i am too busy! *

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