Chapter : 16 {Love}

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*Two months before ace leaves to the sea*


"In two months, ace will be leaving us luffy " I told luffy whole laying besides the lake, he was also laying besides me, ace was a little further away trying to catch the fishes without any tool, idiot

said luffy

"Shuushh idiot, but what surprise tho?"
I said in a low tone

"Hmm i don't know, you do the thinking part! " Laughed luffy

"What are yall doing? " Asked ace while walking up to us

"Just small talks"
I replied

With that i saw him Laying besides me, hmmm today is a lazy day

"Don't any of you dare to fall asleep, we have to return home in 10 minutes"
While I am already hearing them snore
Goshh what will I do with them

"Surprise huh? " I thought to myself

*at home*

"Dadan san? Can I take some of those beads from your necklace? " I asked

"Huh? Well sure but don't waste it, it was made with the blessing of this island mountain's god, he protects us while we live here! "
Said dadan

She doesn't look like it but she sure is religious

"Okayy!! "
I took the beads and ran to my room before she changes her mind haha

*At the forest*

Third persons POV :

"Don't you think y/n is hiding sth fron us luffy? " Asked ace

"Maybe she is in her period again or sth" Said luffy

"Nope idiot it hasn't been a month yet since her last time" Ace replied

"You sure you don't know what y/n is up to?? "
Asked ace in a suspicious tone

"Nope" Said Luffy while Making his legendary ' of course i am not lying ' face.

Ace holds luffy's face, "why does it feel like you know what she is up to tho" He was most definitely angry and jealous of luffy cuz luffy knew more bout what y/n is doing rather than him

"Okay whatever, let's just go home after collecting woods quickly"
Said Ace with a sigh

"Why are we collecting woods again? "
Asked luffy confused

"To cook idiot" Answered ace

"WHATT? I DIDN'T KNOW WE COULD EAT WOODS" luffy said while trying to bite one

Ace slaps Him Away from the wood

"Shut up idiot" Ace keeps walking

*after ace and luffy arrives home*

"You boys did a great job collecting so many woods! "Said dadan happily

" Where is y/n? " Ace asked without paying attention to anything else

"Ah? She should be in her room , and don't go there disturbing her, maybe she is studying or something!! "

But ace paid no mind to The old lady's words and rushed to y/n's room

"Y/n!! " Ace slams the door

"AH ACE- UHM- I MEAN...hi" Said y/n with a suspicious expression and hiding something under her pillow

"What is that? "

"What is what?"

"That" Ace said while pointing towards y/n

"Ah that's just luffy jumping around at the lawn alone" Looking towards luffy from the window behind y/n, who really was jumping around in the lawn alone while its so dark out

"No, not luffy, what's under the pillow? What are you guys hiding from me? " Asked ace

"I- i will show it to you later"

"No y/n i wanna see it now... Please... Don't make me overthink, why does luffy knows bout what you are doing with the thing under the pillow but not Me??? Don't i come first of all for you? " Said ace with a sad expression, he was definitely hurt.....

"Ace....... Okay here... " Y/n brings out the red beads chain , it resembled the one dadan had but was a smaller version.... Then she brought out a... Hat?

"Y/n................Who are they for y/n? " Asked the baka guy

Shouted dadan and all the bandits from outside the door, barging in

"I- I remember sabo and luffy both had their own, so i thought you may also like to wear one, if u don't like it then I can gift you sth else don't worr-" With that ace hugged y/n

"Y/n........thank you very much love" Ace started to cry, seeing a 17yo guy cry was not in y/n's bucket list today, but not like she was complaining

While all this precious moment unfold, dadan took all the bandits and gave the young couple some space

"Don't forget us after you make thousands of new friends ace! Remember your home is here.... With all of us.... You belong here..."
Mumbled y/n

"I am just a devil, who thought he didn't deserve to be born in this world.... But...... But still you made me feel so lo-" Y/n kissed ace before he could finish his sentence

"I don't care if you are the pirate King's son, or the devil's, or even destiny's most hatred child..... No matter where you are or who you are, please know i will always love you, luffy too, dadan san too, makino san too. Even grap san
Every last one of us adores you ace, never think that you dont deserve to be loved when you are the reason we all feel loved, you and luffy are this house's light ace..... I will wait for my light to come back home"
At this point y/n was also crying like a baby, luffy was hearing all this from outside the window sitting in the ground, he was also crying.... But he decided to not show it..... Men don't cry during goodbyes right?

Ace couldn't say anything except stare and her, he gave her, his new hat and brought his head down..... Somehow telling her to help him wear the hat
Y/n took the hat and put it in ace's head, ace and y/n started to kiss after that, but it wasn't a kiss from lust or
Anything, this time it was love

After spending half of the night cuddling with y/n and talking bout how he is gonna do this and that in his adventures, he sat up from the bed and started to make his way towards his and luffy's room to sleep like always

Thats when y/n pulled his arm

Ace looked at her

"Yes? You want something love? " Asked ace in a gentle tone, while sitting down next to y/n

"Don't leav-...... " Y/n whispered sth but ace didn't quite caught it

"Yes? What did you say? "
Asked ace confused

"Can you stay the night?" Y/n mumbled with her face going completely red, she felt like she is gonna die just from embarrassment.....

Ace understood she finally was ready to give herself to him completely

A smirk came over ace's lips, while his ears went bright red

"Of course love" He grinned amd replied in a teasing tone and started kissing her like he was an animal ready to devour his prey

Y/n's POV :

I could feel his harsh but warm hands touching me anywhere he likes.... While kissing me like there is no tomorrow...... He started to explore every inch of me..... It hurt but it felt nice too... Maybe it feels nice even tho it hurts cuz i am with the person i love the most?

That night..... We made love

*ok fire chapter, i feel too embarrassed to put more details so suffer :D Byeeee :3!!*

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