Chapter : 9 {Not My Ace}

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Y/N's POV :

"𝙨𝙖𝙗𝙤 𝙞𝙨 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙙"

Those words rang through my ears like drums, they won't stop

"Hu- huh? "
Ace ran to god knows where to find sabo before the bandits could finish their sentence.

"It can't be, he was here even yesterday.......... HE WAS WITH ME EVEN YESTERDAY NIGHT, HOW COULD HE JUST GO AND DIE THEN??ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? HE JUST WENT BACK TO HIS HOME, TO THE NOBLES!!!" I broke down crying

Dadan wasn't there as she already ran behind ace,luffy kept crying holding me.... I should calm down... Or else who is gonna make luffy and ace calm...... Sabo..


We got to know the "Top nobles" Was the murderer of sabo.......
I thought pirates were bad, i thought bandits were bad, now the nobles who control the navy they are also bad...... Who can i trust..... Who is right and who is wrong? .... I felt like i had no one in this world except the people here with us right now under this roof...

They had to tie ace up with a rope because he kept trying to run away and tryna take revenge for sabo... Luffy was already asleep as we all went thought a sleepness night since the news

I got up and went to the washroom to freshen up..... 4 brushes... I miss sabo, i took his brush and went and kept it on the penholder in our room, it was on top of my study table..

"Ace come eat something" I mumbled to the boy with the last strength i had to speak

He didn't reply, what is he planning bout?

After dinner, me and luffy went to the hall room, ace didn't ate tho...they untied ace after they found a letter from sabo. As ace and luffy still can't read fully i read the letter to them

While crying, I spoke each words wirh great sadness, you could hear my voice crack with each time i find a line from sabo talking bout his future
And meeting again....
The letter ended with :

"Ace,take care of yourself and luffy,he is our youngest brother you know..... Take care of y/n too, you are the only one capable to make her the happiest. Sorry I am leaving before you to the sea.... Goodbye,Ace,luffy see you on the free sea soon, hopefully with y/n in any of you guy's crew.

- Sabo

After the letter ended, ace told dadan he is going somewhere but didn't return anymore

*timeskip one week*

Me And luffy took it upon ourselves to go and find ace, and bring him back home..... We found him in the old treehouse,

"Ace.. " I mumbled

"Leave me alone y/n" Ace spoke

With that my hands flew over to his right cheek, his face went red leaving a bruise

"Ace at least come back home we all are worried bout you, do you know dadan san hasn't also eaten because she is so worried bout u??? I know sabo.....,dying hurt you, it hurt all of us, but they doesn't allow you to be so selfish and give us more trouble than there already IS!""
I scolded the boy harshly, but i had no other way to bring my ace back.....
He didn't spoke, nor did he even run away, he just stood there, he didn't even criedd, it scared me...

"If you guys are worried about me also going and dying, i won't die, don't worry" He cried as he spoke this words, tears flow from his eyes as big as the jewel from the necklace he had give me..... "JUST WATCH I AM NOT GONNA DIE LIKE SABO AND END UP LEAVING YOU GUYS ALONE LIKE HIM TOO"

"that's what you are doing right now Ace!!you are alive but you already left us alone!!!! " I screamed

I went to slap him once more but luffy came and hold me while crying..

"You guys should go back home.... I will come back home soon"


It was night, i woke up thinking maybe ace came back like he used to do when we were friends for the first time, he used to come at night so that we won't notice him.....

He wasn't here

I falled asleep again


After taking the water in the bucket i started to walk, but my dress got stuck in a dry branch..... "Luffy can you help me here! " I screamed for the idiot strawhat who came with me to the lake to help me but just kept playing around

"Yoshhh just give me the bucket" Giggles luffy, "Are you sure? Water weakens you right? " I asked worried

"Y/n stop treating me like i am still a child, i am already 12 this year!! "

Thats right, its been 4 years since everything changed.... Sabo gone, the treehouse stay over ended....luffy was already training to get more stronger to be a pirate once he is 17...and Ace......

"Heh you are gonna be my baby luffy for ever tho" I teased
The look on his face showed he didn't really appreciate the comment

After we were home, dadan san gave me and luffy some money to go to the village and enjoy ourselves,as we finished the task

"Let's go to the village tomorrow luffy, i am tired" I shouted as i falled into my bed

"NOO NO NO NO NO NO NO i wannna goooooooo" Spoke luffy

"Hmm let's go to the forest, that's gonna be more fun, we can play 12 leafs again!! It's already autum you knoww, there is gonna be many pretty leaves" I stated

"Hmm doesn't sound like a bad idea, let's gooooo" Luffy started to run out the house clapping his hands

In front of the door we met ace.... He was taller than me now, his body became more musculine,some bruises where there in his hands and feet. Maybe he is eating right this days then.....he was already 15, two more years were left before he will leave to be a pirate

"Ac-ace good afternoon" I said in a quite tone, staring at the floor

"...." Ignored ace before entering the room

After that incident, ace did came back home later but it seemed like he was an entirely different person, he really won't talk to us if he doesn't need to and run off somewhere alone again.....sometimes it feels like he hates us now...... My ace was long gone. Even tho his body is here right with us... My ace isn't......
Welll as long as he is happy and doing well, I am happy....

"Y/n don't talk with him, didn't I tell you not to? " Said luffy ending his sentence with a 'tsk'
All this year ace avoiding us left luffy with a bad impression about him, luffy said ace is mean now, and 'changed'
Whatever that means

"Hmm we can't just leave him uk, he is my friend and you brother.. " I said with a smile, luffy definitely could tell i was hurt again....

Luffy's POV :

It hurts, what should i do Sabo? Everything would had been ok if you were here, now ace that bastard hurts y/n like this, we don't talk anymore, and everything is so lonely.... I miss you Sabo... If you were here you could had fixed everything..

Chapter ends

*Okk guys from now kinda real plot starts, sorry to make the childhood plot soo long, i just loved writing bout their cute interactions soo muchhh
Byeeee :3!!

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