Chapter : 38 {News}

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Third Person's POV :

News of Ace got around quickly

*At Goa kingdom island*

"Ac- ACEE!!! " Dadan cried

"Calm down dadan san, luffy is also at the sea, grap san is an vice admiral.. I am sure Ace is gonna be okay, he is strong" Makino tried to calm dadan down

"MY ACE!! WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO HIM!!!" Dadan kept crying falling on the floor, not caring about anything anymore

*At Heart Pirate's Submarine*

"First Monkey D luffy's location being unknown and now his brother's execution.... I am just worried about Extraña" Said law

"The world is gonna go through a huge change soon" He added while bepo kept shaking scared

*At whitebeard's Ship*

"That idiot, Marco!! You know what this means" Said whitebeard

"We are gonna follow you no matter what pops!" Replied Marco

"Guess the Navy forgot it's place" Smirked Whitebeard

"I may be old but I am still enough to destroy and being down their whole Headquarter!!! " He shouted followed by the other young pirate's cheers

*At Alabasta*

"Ace san....... Luffy must be worried" Cried Vivi....

"I am sure luffy san is going there now" Said Vivi's father

*At the Revolutionary army headquarters*

Koala takes the latest newspaper and gets shocked

She runs to the room y/n is still sleeping, and finds Sabo there

Koala screams

Sabo takes the newspaper

Reading the latest News..

"It can't be!! "

"Sabo kun what are you gonna do? Even if you don't remember him, he is your sworn brother"

"I am going..." Spoke Sabo

"Think twice" Said dragon from in front of the door

"Huh? Dragon san?"

"If you go there, the navy will declare war with us too!! What do you think? We can't afford to go on a War right now, this whole island is filled with normal civilians who lost their home in wars or for the navy!!! They can't fight! They have to die all for our personal interest!" Dragon said

Sabo put the news paper besides sleeping y/n and got up

"B- But...... " Sabo went speechless, it was true, he was being selfish
He was about to give up on going there to save Ace, and let the war play out itself, Whitebeard is the strongest after all..

"ACE" screamed the girl who was sleeping behind them

Sabo turned around to meet with y/n, who was now awake and the first thing she saw is... The headline about Ace's execution

"Portgas D Ace, second commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, caught by Blackbeard and is to be executed in Marineford  tomorrow morning!!!
The navy is expecting Whitebeard and his grand feets and friends to barge in and declare war!! "

                    -Revealed by inside sources


"SABO!! WE HAVE TO GO TO MARINEFORD"  Was the first line y/n speaks after getting her memories back, she was cried, she was devastated
Sabo had no other choice

He bowed down to dragon and spoke

"I am Sorry, I have to quit the revolutionary army"

Both dragon and koala went quite

"SABO KUN THINK IT THROUGH" koala screamed

"Ace is my sworn brother koala" Was the only reply he had

Sabo was one of the most loyal Follower of dragon, dragon surely didn't expect this

He smiled "Very well, you can take a break and go on an vacation" Said dragon

Sabo's eyes widened, di- did dragon just now gave permission to himm??

Sabo smiled back
"Yes, thank you, I will be back soon"

Y/n got up and hugged Sabo

"Yes? Y/n?"

"...... Now that i remember who you are, SABOOO YOU IDIOT, WHY DID YOU LEFT USSS" Cried y/n as loud as possible

"... I am sorry for all the trouble I caused you guys before y/n" Sabo smiled

"Let's take a small boat and visit Marineford, we have to tame Ace back right?" Sabo asked

"Mhmm.. " Whisped y/n looking at the burning vivre card of Ace which she brought with he

"I AM COMING TOOO!!" Koala exclaimed

"Its not fair if you guys get a vacation and I don't!!!" Screamed Koala smiling

"Well the more the better, you are also experienced on fights you know"
Sabo mumbled and they start the ship, towards Marineford!!!"

*Chapter Ends!! Byeee :3*

Destiny's hatred child{Ace x childhood friend! reader}one Piece Where stories live. Discover now