Chapter : 27 {Alive}

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Makino's POV :

I was running up the mountain as fast as I could, why? Of course because our precious y/n is in the newspaper!!!

*At the bandit's house*


Dadan san came forward with a bored look on her face

"Yes yes makino i am here, why are you shouting?"  She asked

"Dadan san you gottta see thiss" I said as i took some breath

"Huhh? What? "
Dadan asked taking the newspaper from my hand

"LUFFFYYY, SOMEONE CALL LUFFYYY!!! " dadan shouted as the cigs from her mouth escaped to the floor

"He is still asleep, should i wake him Up??! " Asked a bandit

"Yesss gooo!!! What are you looking at?? " Dadan shouted and took a seat, tears flew quickly from her eyes

"So.... So she is alive... My one and only daughter!!! " Cried dadan

Luffy entered the hall while yawning

"What you hag? OH MAKINO IS HERE TOO!!" the rubber boy grinned at me

"Luffy you gotta see this" With that dadan showed y/n's bounty poster to luffy

"HUUHH!!! Y/N??!?? MEANS SHE IS ALIVE AND MANAGED TO ESCAPEEEEE!! " luffy's eyes widened and he started dancing

"Waittt everyone!!! Keep in mind this picture only looks like y/n! The name here says different.... "  I said, putting an stop to their celebration

".... I don't know what's going on, but that girl is our y/n, makino..... The way she styles her hair, the way her personality is given, it's all y/n's!!!" Said dadan

"Yes, i also think that too!! Let me read what's written in the newspaper for you guys"
I said taking the newspaper from dadan san's hand

"Noble's daughter Extraña, ran away from her home after having a fight with her parents, her current status is unknown but she was last seen with the heart pirates, if she is their nakama or a hostage is also unknown.
Wanted ONLY ALIVE, anyone who can find her is gonna get 60million berries, easier way to remember her is, she has green eyes and straight dark brown hair, Please inform the navy even if you have any kind of information about her"

".... Noble's daughter...? What's this bullshit?? " Asked dadan

..... "I don't know, but i am sure this is our y/n, a girl with the same rare green eyes and similar face?  close to impossible!! " I stated

"Hehe, maaan i don't know whats going on but seems like she is ok nowwww" Laughed luffy


Luffy didn't gave any reply tho
Dadan and I sighed

*At the navy headquarters*

Akainu (One of the 3 admiral)  : "I still don't understand why you will so easily reveal about the Extraña race's features and even keep her name as Extraña..... Like wasn't it decided to not let anyone know about that girl??? Why are you guys making a poster for her now???!! "
He was furious

Sengoku : "Well, the heads figured out since the ancient times, no one actually knows about the existence of the Extraña race anymore, so even if we mention the girl has green eyes or anything, civilians won't doubt us. Plus she is with a pirate crew now, she regularly changes her location...we need the civilians,bounty hunters and outside people's help now that the situation came to this"
He replied calmly

"Do whatever you want, as long as the  girl doesn't fall in the wrong hands" Said akainu while dashing away from the room

"She won't, no one knows about this Race or even their name except the government! " Replied sengoku

Ace's POV :

We will be leaving Water 7 tomorrow morning, i should at least go meet my y/n before i leave.... Maaan i already miss her
Maybe i should go visit today, at night.... I blushed

Deuce woke up and sat beside the railing besides me

"Good morning captain"
He said in a not so deuce tone

"Morning deuce, did anything happen? " I asked

"Nahh nothing, while you seem to be a good mood captain" Deuce mentionned

"I- i was just thinking about y/n, uk i get nervous thinking she is so close to me yet so far right now..... Plus that law..... " I glared to the sea..... He makes me burn up inside

"... You are the jealous type huh" Deuce stated and i went calm immediately

"Huhh it's nothing like that, she is just mine you know... I am not letting anyone to even have a smile from her romantically...... " I stated with no emotions in my eyes

Deuce seemed to be freaked out

"Now that you mentioned it, you did said back in alabasta you like her didn't you deuce? " I asked calm

"... N- noooo!! I just was interested because she was rich.... Now that i saw she is just another normal girl i ain't interested! " Deuce stated, i saw a sweat break out of him..... I just looked at him emotionless

..... I do get weird when the topic is about my y/n

"Good then! I won't want to kill my closest and first nakama anyway" I laughed

Deuce did too
But I could tell he was afraid of me.......

Sabo's POV :

"Sabo, do you see this wanted poster?" Asked dragon san with a worried look in his face

Why tho? It just looks like a harmless little girl, she is pretty, she is smiling in the picture, she seems kind

She seems too familiar too, maybe i saw her in any missions before?

"Yes dragon san? What about her? "
I asked curious about her

"I am not entirely sure however there is a chance she is from an very old race of people who could see the future" Explained dragon

"Hu- huh? Future? As in with the use of very advance type of haki?Like when they master the observation haki or something?" I asked

"No, not haki, they are born with this supernatural power themselves, they can see the future as they like once they learn to control their power no Matter how far away it is, it may take them their whole life time for that sometimes..... What makes me suspicious the most is.... They are said to have green eyes and..... Their race was also called Extraña,both matches with this girl, but it is also said that their race extinct long ago, in the ancient times... Now they are just a bedtime story for kids in a closed island named Wano" Explained dragon san

"That's soo cool tho, if she really is from that Race!!she can be quite usefull too thenn!!" Said koala

"???!!There is a high chance then sir" I stated

"I am sure they are using this Noble's daughter story just to give a fake explanation as to why she should not be killed!!! " Said koala

"How do you know all this thought dragon san? " I asked

"I have my share of information and knowledge with me" He replied

After that he left saying we should just wait to see the girl and the government's movement more and wait for the 'right time' to act

"...... Extraña" I said holding the familiar girl's poster in my hand

*Chapter ends, soo next chapter is gonna be some AcexY/n just having romantic interactions after a long timeee, then timeskip,
Sorry this chapter was to mostly explain what's going on with the others, and explain a bit more about y/n and the future encounters, needed those explanations to make the story make more sense!!! Byeee :3"

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