Chapter : 5 {His Heart Part 1}

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Ace's POV :

"Dumb sabo" I mumbled to myself, he told me to wait at our usual place and didn't show up himself, hmmm it's been a while till i went home, let me stay there for some days, it's already winter so its chilly with sabo outside........

Huh? Someone came?

I hide myself in a tall tree

Ah gramps, there are some other kids too, an annoying runt and another-
A girl? "She is so pretty", a blush came over my face, n-no what am i thinking..... She doesn't even have boobs like those girls the scums of trash mountain brings with money........... Why do i still find her pretty ? I asked Myself..

Let me go in front of them
?? That runt is holding her hands?

"Y/n y/n let's playy!!! 'I heard that strawhat say

However that pretty girl refused, heh

" Y/n" I said to myself, what a pretty name!! Even her name is pretty! Even her voice is pretty!!


A dark expression covered my face, i don't know why..... I don't want that guy to hold her hand...

Ah that strawhat is coming closer to the tree....
I splat on him as a punishment of holding y/n's hands, then i went away or else i have to come face to face with that green eyed girl.... My face tuning red thinking bout her big bright green eyes and long straight brown hair....


I went home after i got the courage to face her, i feel shy to be with her...but i wanna be with her more too..

It was already late at night when sabo and I finished beating and lotting some scums from the mountain... "Shit i wanted to meet her, she must already be asleep"

Unfortunately my blonde friend heard me talking to myself and forced me to Tell him Whats going on... I Didn't tell Him The details but he started to tease me, "thats the reason i didn't wanted to tell u you knowww" I shouted at him
Sabo just laughed and said bye, giving me a thumbs up, "what was that for? " I asked myself

After i reached home, she really was sleeping.... Well let me sleep too
It was warm. And comfortable, sleeping with someone..... It was always cold When i was Alone, even With a Blanket it was cold.....

*next morning*

Hmm she must be also afraid of me as i am the 'devil's son' , reason she screamed at me at midnight bout not sleeping with her..... But it was Alright when that little strawhat wearing mosquito was cuddling her tho...

Maybe she likes him..
Having this thoughts on my mind I went to the washroom to brush my teeth when i saw someone was inside......

I tried to Open it but I heard y/n's voice...
Why will she need to close the door when she is brushing? She doesn't even have boobs
What's there to see even if she is naked? Girls really go ahead of themselves

An evil smirk filled my face..
Let's have some fun should we

With that i broke the door but it looked like she wasn't amazed by my strength... Weird? Maybe she likes weak guys like that luffy or sth?

"Hey didn't you hear me shout i am inside?-" Said the small girl

... Ever her voice is pretty, really really pretty

I went speechless, i have to say sth "so what? ".... Shit ace, way to Ruin it, my Coolness all went away

Then the girl ran to call that old hag, and i ran to the Forest for sabo

But after seeing luffy in front of the house, i of course had to beat him Up for cuddling with y/n yesterday night... Hmm looks like i will have to sleep at home from now every night.... That little runt may cross the limits getting too Close...

As Planned i came Home for dinner....... Everyone was shocked of course... Whatever i don't care

Huhh?? Y/n and luffy is going to take a Shower? I wanna have fun too...... I am sure they are gonna Play there too......

With that i force myself into the shower,not long after i started to Bully luffy again, hehe its So Fun that way....


my eyes Widened... What the fuck? Even the scums from the trash place doesn't dare to fight back.....

I looked at her but saw she is pissed... Oh god this is bad she really is pissed for me....... I knew it, I Should had kept my distance

I forgot who i am, i am just a scum On earth who is taking up space...
With that i ran away from the bath

*timeskip 1 hour later*

After y/n and lufffy will fall asleep today, i will go to sabo again, and won't come back,they don't need me here,i am just a burden, y/n is happy spending her days with luffy...i made my plans and acted to be asleep facing the wall when y/n entered the room, she went outside again.. Maybe for water, i heard dadan and her spoke, what if dadan says something bad to her too?? I went and tried to listen to them from behind the door

"- I DON'T THINK HE- HE SHOULD BE CALLED SUCH THINGS, yes its true he is a bit- no not a bit, he is fully Mannerless and unbearable, however i think he just tries to get engaged with me and luffy in our activities, maybe because he is lonely................ I wish he can come on to us nicely and become our friend...... I-"......... Spoke the girl who seems to have all the knowledge of the world within her small head

my eyes widened, "i- I they want to be my friend? I am wanted?... "

Then i saw the girl walking back towards the room
I hurry went and pretended to be asleep, my face red like a tomato.....
"This girl.... "

I saw Luffy coming towards me in his sleep, which made Me Scared that y/n is gonna go Sleep only beside luffy because there isn't any other space, i kicked the rubber boy hard And moved his body... Giving y/n space to lay beside me......

"She even sleeps pretty"... With that u falled asleep too...

*okayy next chapter will also be from ace's pov, but after that i will return to the original story again :3 just giving this ace pov to give his character much more depth, hope you emjoyed!!! Byeee*

P. S please keep in mind this ace MY own headcannon, so it may not be the same behavior he had in the original manga/anime.

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