Chapter : 20 {Fire Fist Ace}

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"My lady will you now like to go explore the island?" Asked Sara, she was wearing a very pretty blue dress instead of her usual maid outfit, well we are on an vacation, and won't want too much attention our way anyway

"Yes sure, uhm can it just be you and me? If there is a formal guide following us around its gonna be boring!! " I pleaded with puppy eyes

"Sorry but the lady ordered us to give u as much security as we can,still sir admiral had some pity on you and allowed you to hangout without any more security except me and the guide, so please compromise"
Sara spoke

From her tone i could say she is annoyed bout me Bleaching so mamy rules of mom's already

"Okay let's go" I said
I already predicted that this will happen, so I already made a backup plan beforehand heh


"Okay as we are already at Alabasta, you guys take care of the rest i am going to eat" I grinned

With that I ran to the closest restaurant I could find with the smell of meat

"Hey- heyy waitt you baka captainnnnnn" I could hear my crew shouting at me but idc

"HEYY MISTER GIVE ME ANY MEAT DISH YOU HAVEE HURRY HURRY HEHEHE" i shouted at the owner, ah, makino and y/n said that's not good habit

"Sorry for shouting inside your restaurant" I bowed to the owner

I was walking down the town with sara, there were all kinds of shops there, it was like a festival!!
Some shopkeepers called us to sell us their products, but sara said they just wanna scam us

"Hey pretty lady in that gorgeous white dress, do you want to buy a golden apple-" Before the man could finish his sentence

Sara shouted at him

The scene was so funny

Heh good we are already in the middle of the city, now I can follow my plan

"Ahh Sara i feel like i am gonna vomit-" Blughhhh I faked

"M- my lady, do you want to take a seat somewhere? "  Sara spoke while
Holding my arms worried

"Are you alright my lady?? " Asked our guide

"Ye- yes I am just tired, can we take a seat somewhere?? "
I asked

With that sara, me and the guide entered a local restaurant

We saw the owner screaming at a sleeping guy were a cowboy hat, his face was on the table so I couldn't really see him

Haha everyone from the red line is always so formal and collected, here everyone seems so fun

I sat at a distance table and told my Sara to go order a cheesecake for me,

"Sure lady, mr guide please be with my lady for the meantime" Said sara as she began walking towards the counter

"Sure lady Sara" Replied the middle aged guide

"Uhm, i forgot to tell her to bring some fried rice too for my lunch, can you go tell her? "
I asked the guide politely

"Ah sure lady Extraña" With that the guide began walking to the counter towards Sara

Mission complete, now all i have to do is make a run for it

With that I ran out of the restaurant, haha at last I can roam freely, too bad i wanted sara too but she was just gonna yell at me

...... Huh? Hu- huh- OUCH

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