Chapter : 12 {My First Kiss}

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WARNING : if you don't wanna read bout underaged drinking or sexual things bout them, don't read this!! This chapter contains all those!!!

Y/n's POV :
It was mine and luffy's birthday!!!

Well it wasn't but it was the day me and him came into this place to stay with dadan and ace so yea.... In this past 4 years ace never came to celebrate with us.... Well no a prob!!


It was the same day, when we brought out the cake, everyone cheered and Ace suddenly barged into the hall room from the entrance.........
"Ac- ace we didn't expect you to show up" Said dadan

"Huh? What's all this decoration for? You going to get married or sth old hag?" Ace asked

It made me giggle in my mind

"Well it's y/n and luffy's anniversary celebration for coming into this house to stay with us!!! " Said makino

"Oh good for u guys" He said while looking at me , i felt like my soul was being attacked just by the way he was staring at me

"Wh- why don't you join us- " Before i could finish my sentence he went into our bedroom....... OKAY

After the party me and luffy were quite tired and went to sleep.....

Little did we know that the certain raven haired boy was awake and was waiting for us to sleep

"..... Happy birthday... Luffy, Y/n" He said while caressing my cheeks while me And luffy were asleep.

*Present day*

This time i am gonna make him join us for sure!!!!

Where can he be? Hmm let me go to the lake while luffy is still taking a  shower


"Found ya" I giggled

"...?...what are u doing here? " Asked the older boy

"I am here to invite you to our birthday party, aren't you coming?? "

He didn't reply

"Me and luffy are gonna be waiting for you tho..."

With that I went home


No way in hell am I going to that party-

"Hey when are we going to buy the cake for today's party? " I heard a bandit ask another

"We won't be buying one this year idiot, y/n chan is making one herself!!! "
replied another

Cake made by y/n herself...... Maybe....
I will go take a peek...

I went to the party but late, y/n gave me a wave from the middle of the room as she was talking with makino, makino brought luffy a t shirt and y/n a dress as gifts, it was beautiful, it was a green dress aand had white bows.... Which will look perfect on y/n as she also has big round beautiful green eyes.... I remember i gave her a green necklace too.... That will fit perfectly with her in this dress
.... Maybe she doesn't even have it till now lol, what am I even thinking

Dadan asked y/n to go put on that dress then come cut the cake, she went in..... Boring party without her, i should not had come, that's when luffy came flying at my body, ouch

"Hey luffy what do you think you are doing-? "

"Sorreyyyy, i was trying to get out of the house as soon as possible with the meat i stole :(( " Said luffy

"Hey you are not supposed to say that out loud if u stole it-" Before i could finish my sentence y/n's room door opened and all of our jaws dropped

She looked so pretty, she tied her hair with a white bow and wore
Her new green dress, she didn't wore shoes maybe cuz we were inside the house... She matched her dress wirh some green earrings and a necklace which matched perfectly....!!!! WAIT! NECKLACE?
She still has it?

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