Chapter : 23 {Jealous}

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*Note : Okay soo ik law shouldn't be in alabasta or sabody or water 7 and stuff at this time, but i changed themm, don't mind pleasee*


It's been a month since i started to live with law, he was kind enough to offer me bepo's room,at first i was happy that i get to cuddle with belo however law took belo with him saying bepo is a guy? Bruhhhh

....... But will i be a pirate my whole life now? Its fun but kinda bothersome............... Never in peace, though i never have to fight on my own, law and the crew does it for me

I giggled thinking bout that one time


It was breakfast time but the whole crew just woke up and them making the breakfast for everyone is gonna take a while, so i decided to go make some scrambled eggs, however idk how to make ittt, Sara did it all for meee

Still when i tried the pan caught on fire

That's when law idk how just came into my rescue,and started to fix the pan while scolding me not to come near the kitchen.... Haha its kinda fun seeing him not so calm....
Later HE HIMSELF  made me the egg, aweee law, he sure does care but doesn't wanna show


"Oi what are you all daydreaming about? " Asked law hitting my head with his sword, making me come back to reality

"Captain be kinddd" Asked bepo

"So what if i was daydreaming? Not like i need permission to do it, ahhh lawwww you made me come back from my daydream at the best part, noooooooo" I cried fake tears

"Huh? About who are you daydreaming anyway? " Asked law trying to sound will cool, but he failed miserably as we can all say he is dying to know

"AWEWW LOVEEE LOVEEE CAPTAIN IS IN LOVEEE, CAPTAIN IS JEALOUS" shouted the whole crew, i just laughed, they are quite funny

"sh-SHUT UP" with that law took my hand and made us leave the dining table
Why meee? I knew what was coming my way now....... I HAVE TO EXPLAIN EVERYTHING TO HIM


no matter what it is, what i ate, what i did, what i am thinking, why i am thinking

*In his room*

"So what's your deal again?"

"What deal? " Asked y/n

"What were you thinking back there?" Asked the captain in an annoyed tone, of course he is annoyed, he was right in front of y/n but she was day dreaming bout someone else
It made his heart burn like there is no tomorrow, he didn't wanted to admit it but he was in love, maybe since the first time he saw her? First it was jsut a crush
But after getting to know her better, he was in love

"Uhm, i was thinking bout that day when u were made me scrambled eggs" Y/n said in a scared tone

Even tho the situation wad tensed, y/n and law was close, after Sara, law was the most close person to her for now, he always listened to her rant when he is working in his lab, its like their weekly routine when law works in his lab till late at night and y/n just sits there and talk and ask about the whole world

"You were thinking bout me? " Law asked
His whole face went red and his eyes widened, he hide his face with his hand

"Uhm, yea? Is there something wrong law? " Y/n asked
Law couldn't bear it anymore
He wanted to get closer

He went and hugged y/n

"Uhm, law? Is something wrong? " Asked y/n innocently
Unknown to her, her best friend has already fallen for her

Law get go of y/n
"Sor-sorry, you can go now"

"Uhm, okay? Are you ok tho? Call me if you need me okay? " Said y/n worried

....... With that she left

What am I doing? I should go back in my line, i can't forget my goal

*At the dining hall*

"Heyy what did captain told you?? " Asked bepo

"Uhm, he hugged me? " Said y/n confused

"HUHH? CAPTAINN?? ARE YOU GUYS A OFFICIAL COUPLE NOW? " with that the crew filled me with a tond of question

"Uhm n- no, you guys really like to dig a mountain out of a hole" Y/n said and went to where bepo was sitting, he had the recent news paper with him, law came out of his room but didn't bother to talk as he saw y/n was looking at something in the newspaper

"Fire fist Ace returns from 'sky island', defends a vice admiral and escapes"
With that Ace's new bounty falls from the newspaper

Everyone had their attention to what bepo was reading

"Uhm, ace?" Asked y/n

"Ah yes estraña, this is fire fist ace, he is a troublesome guy, we didn't met him yet, i hope we dont" Said bepo

"It's not like we are weak bepo, even if he comes crashing to our submarine, we can fight him" Added law

"Uhm, law... Do you know ace? " Asked y/n

"Nah, we still didn't met as u heard, however our next stop should soon match with his"

"Huhh? Really? Wheree are we going again? " Asked y/n

"Water 7"



the submarine went up the seaa, at lasttt,everyday i wait for this moment, seeing the ocean up close is fun however its better up in the air

"Hahhhhh" I took a deep breath

"Hey Estraña, why were you so curious bout Fire fist? " Asked law

"Uhm, i met him back in alabasta, and i kept feeling like he is familiar, so talking with him might give me some clue bout myself, he might know me in my past life, according to Sara, he also used to live in the east blue"
I explained, not telling him bout my crush, that's embarrassing uk

"Oh i see, i am glad then" Law smiled, feeling relieved that y/n was just curious bout ace to know more bout herself

"Well we don't know if he is a nice person or Not, so he may attack us-" Before law could finish his question

"HE ISN'T!! HE ISN'T A BAD PERSON!!" I shouted,Law looked at me shocked... Uhm i lost my cool there

"Uhm, he helped me find my purse after a thief stole it........ He is a kind person" I said not looking at law, staring at my hand which was in the railing of the submarine going towards water 7

At this rate we could see the island from afar, it was so prettyy
"Ace" I mumbled to myself

.. Little did y/n know law was buring with jealousy and cut himself in anger with his own nails, hiding his hand behind me, he didn't wanted, no, he couldn't let ace near y/n, he can't afford the risk of that...... HE CAN'T RISK HIS ESTRAÑA

Unknowing what water 7 will bring in their fates, they merged towards it in full speed


"OKAY EVERYONE, I can see water 7 already!! Pack your bags to explore!!
And remember!!! Don't cause any trouble!!! "



Looking back at the city, it sure is pretty, if only I could show luffy and y/n this view


*chapter ends, okkk did y'all like it?? Byeee :3*

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