Chapter : 30 {Mr blonde}

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"Y/n! Oi Y/n" Law knocked on my door

"Come inn" I answered

"We have almost reached saboady, get ready for shopping" Said law

"Haii!! I am so very excited!!"
I grinned

Law just smirked " Yes, i am going then"

"Okay law! Call me if you need me" With that law got out of the room

.... At lasttt we are going to the New World!!!! Maaann, this two years have been so boring!! I was so shocked when law said we won't got further and wait here to get stronger this two years!

That's right, its been 2 years already, I am 18 now, Ace should be 20 this year, as he said... That rubber guy luffy should also be 17 this year

I wonder why ace didn't come to meet me again..... STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM SO HARD , MAYBE HE EVEN FORGOT ME ALL THIS YEARS

I got up from the chair and put Ace's vivre card back in my purse, it was pointing towards where we are headed, maybe because Ace was in the new world right now, short before he left Water 7,news came in about him joining the Whitebeard pirates
Maybe he got married and settled in there.....


*30 minutes later*


"They are so beautiful" I mumbled

"If you like it so much you can take a souvenir from there" Stated law

Seeing him being caring was really rare, he was cute tho

"Hmm i guess i will" I giggled
While law blushed

"Um.. We will be staying at this usland for 2-3 weeks, so gather up your luggages, it's summer there right now, wear something light, the island is filled with pirates, marines and nobles, so make sure to lay low"
Explained law

"I will!!" I shouted

"Not till we buy you sunglasses" Laughed penguin and the rest giggled

"Mean" I stated and cling to law dramatically

"Lawww they are bullying my eye colour!!!" I fake cried

"Oi oii get off meee!!!!" He went all flustered and I laughed as well as the others

*At the Island*

"Like always, me bepo and Extraña are going to shop for her, you all can go do the grocery shopping" Law ordered and everyonw followed

After a while of walking we saw there was literally everything we can dream of in this island!!!!
Well first we brought sunglasses for me and started to walk around again

"MOVE FROM THE WAY, MOVE MOVE!! " some people were shouting

We looked their way and saw some 'nobles' wearing what 'dad' used to wear sometimes.... So that he doesn't have to breath the same air with 'lowely humans'

"Bow" Law stated, he didn't wanted any fight to break up and it shows...... Bepo hide aa quick as he could, so that he doesn't caught the noble's eyes

law simply bowed, it felt humiliating......

I didn't wanna bow, not after what they wanted to do with me back then......... I started at them with anger, i was in a distance so they didn't notice yet

I felt a hand push my head to the ground, but gently,
Law was in front of me so i knew the hand wasn't bepo's or law's...... Whatever
I bowed, after the nobles went away, i got up as quickly as i could, law was also angry, i could feel from his eyes

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