Chapter : 28 {Meet Me Soon}

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It was already late at night, the submarine was parked in the shore and we were all staying there instead of a hotel to save money, we will be leaving Water 7 in 2 days, i wonder if i will see ace again soon...

After dinner i went back to my room and closed the door, law was sleepy today and went to sleep early, bepo now sleeps in the men's counter after having a talk with law about it... Weird

I changed into my nightgown again and layed into the bed

Idk why I always feel lonely when i sleep alone... Well ace did tell me that i used to sleep with him luffy and sabo? Was that the name?............. Embarrassing, me? Used to sleep eith three other guys? Haaahh?

....... "Mann it sure gets lonely in a room all my myself!" I mumbled to myself

"Then you could just had invited me" Said a flirty tone

"AHH-" I screamed but Ace put his ruff fingers on my lips.....

"Shushh, a fight will break if they get to know about me! " Ace whispered
His tone was hot, waitt Extrañaa!! It's not the time to think about this thing

"Wh- why are you here? " I asked pushing ace from the bed

"To meet you? " He looked at me like this was the most obvious thing in the world and I am the dumb one to not know!!

"I- i mean how did you even get here?" I asked

"From the window?" Again he answered

"I was just missing my girlfriend! Can't I even come to meet my gf? How can I not when i know she is so close to me right now? "..ace answered

"...... Oh,first well you should not had entered a girl's room at this time-" I started to explain with an angry tone but he cut me off

"But why? Are you afraid that i will do something?? " He looked at me with puppy eyes

... This guy
"Well yes this is also a concern-"

"But i already did, saw and touched everything y/n!! " He grinned but also kept a sad tone to his sentence, "So what if i see it again? Its the same!!"
His face light up as he said that

I blushed

"IT'S NOT THE SAME" I smacked his head with a book

"Hahaha sorry sorry i was just teasing you.... But you know, we really did everything y/n!! If you want i can proof it to you-"


"Okay okay sorry" He laughed

"So now what i am here what should we do? " He asked

"Maybe go back? " I replied

"Man that's no fun, you yourself was saying that sleeping alone is lonely" Ace replied

..... "Well i can just ask bepo's help if i feel too much lonely, thank you for ur concern" I replied with a smirk

He didn't like the statement, i could tell just by looking at his face

".... Do you like this crew so much because of that cow? "
He asked

"Which cow? " I asked confused

"That huge white cow?" He asked

"Be- BEPO IS NOT A COW" I smacked him again

"Then is he a panda? " He asked


*10 minutes of silence later*

I started to read a book in hopes he will just get out of his own after getting bored but he was just sitting there looking at me grinning....... It felt weird,someone looking at you with such a intense glaze

"You gained weight" He said

..... he spoke after 10 minutes and thats what he has to say???!! Well it did hurt me mentally too

"I feel like i have always been like this"

"No, you are still beautiful but you look older, more mature"

He talks like he remembers every little details about me..

"Well why don't you go back now??-" While saying this i looked at him and saw he is sleeping
.... Wtf?

"Hey hey get up, go back to your ship.. This is my bed!! " He wasn't waking up no matter what, he didn't look like he is pretending to be asleep too...
If i scream too hard then law and the others might come to check up on me, I don't want a fight breaking out again!!

"Whatever if he wakes up later i can just ask him to get out, let me just read my book" I mumbled while turning my book's page

After a while i started to feel sleepy but that idiot was still in my bed
I put my book down and started at him

... He was really pretty
His smooth raven hair, his dark eyes which were closed right now... His freckles
They add more to the pretty, I never saw a man as pretty as him
Does a man as pretty as him even exists?......

I shouldn't stare
With that i put a distance between our space in the bed and layed down completely

I yawned and just falled asleep
Trusting enough that this man won't do anything

..... The sun was hurting my eyes, i opened them covering my eyes with my hand

"You are awake??" Ace asked

.... " You didn't left yet?"
I asked

"... No because I had some work left here"
He replied

"What work?"

Without wasting another second he kissed my lips, my eyes widened and my cheeks went a deep shade of red

...... "Wh- what are you doing" I said while he pulled away

He grinned " Well you would had pushed me away if you didn't liked it"

With that he was already on top of the window getting out of my room


I turned back from the window to my mirror, looking at myself while touching my lips, just were he kissed me

"OH I FORGOT, I am leaving this island in some hours! Meet you soon my y/n!! Don't worry after finishing this task I will be sure to come take you with me again!!" With that he left again

I blushed heavy............ Ahhaa

"Oh btw i forgot to say.. " He came back

"Fuck you you dumbhead shitty fire ball"

"Hehe, Meet you soon my love"

With that this time he really was gone
...I stared at the window for 2 minutes but he still didn't returned....

"Well why am even waiting for him Again??!" I screamed to myself
While entering the washroom to freshen up

The kiss did felt warm...


"Boss bosss!!! Look at me i am a pandaa!! Penguin dressed me up as a panda!!" Shouted bepo

.... Law didn't gave any answers

"Captain?" Asked bepo to get law's attention

"Looks like we will have to increase the security of our submarine" Law muttered to himself, while bepo just stared at him confused

*Chapter Ends!!! Byeee :3*

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