Chapter : 31 {Party}

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Ace's POV :

hmmm soo right now luffy should be ready to leave the east blue, I should keep going towards the red line then!
After meeting luffy then I can find
Y/n! If I don't see her on my way!!

Y/n's POV :

"Btw why are you here Mr blonde? Vacation?" I asked

"Well you can say that, in a way yes" He replied

"Come onnn you are being a little too mysterious!!" Y/n shouted

"Haha you will know as time goes by" He replied

"Hmmm, okay but that's unfair because you know everything about me!! "

"Well I don't, except that you are a pirate and a noble's daughter" He stared
"And incredibly cute too" He added

I blushed again, what's with him teasing me all the time

"I could say so myself Mr blonde, you have an incredibly majestic face" I added with a smirk

Instead of blushing this time he smirked, huh? Did i lose the teasing battle?

"Then take this request of this majestic guy, here is a ticket my friend gave me to have fun, its tonight, you care to join? I don't have a date you knoww" The gentleman replied

"Thi- this are a ball-dance party invitation! In a luxury hotel too!! "
I said excited

"So is that a yes?" He asked grinning

".... I will try" I replied calmly looking at the invitation

Why will I? Goddd y/n stop being included with so many guyss

"Okay, gonna be waiting at dock 43 for you at 7 then" He said taking my hand and kissing it

I removed it immediately

"You give me a sense of nostalgia" I replied

"Maybe it's just destiny but I feel the same way too! "

I just laughed at the remark, after a while I saw my beloved yellow submarine, and said my goodbyes to .... I still don't know his name!

*At the submarine*

"We thought we lost youuuu" Bepo started crying

Law just kept quite

"Do you know even captain was about to cr-" With that law hit bepo

"Captainnnnnnn" Bepo cried more

"I understand that you are grown up now however please let us know before you go and walk away by yourself" Law said

"There were police coming our way so we just went further from the washroom, you can't even wait for us can you?" Scolded law

"I am sorry" After that I explained everyone to him leaving out the sabo part, law doesn't take boys getting included with me too much, maybe he thinks they will caught and sell me, or maybe he has a crush on me I don't know

"Okay, sorry for scolding you earlier but still I am angry with you" He said

"Whyy?? "

He didn't answer

"Okay law I got some ticket from a lottery stall, it's to a five star restaurant balldance which is today"

"And what are you implying?"

"I wanna g-"

"Absolutely NOT"

With that he went to his room

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