Chapter : 36 {Ace VS Blackbeard}

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Y/n's POV :

Welll, I am sick
Now no one is allowing me to get up from the bed or even drink some water myself....

"Y/n channn, do you need anything?"
Asked koala

Sabo came back for the 8th time today, it's been 12 days since i left law's crew, my operation is very close....

"Koala Chan can you read me today's newspaper?" I asked

"Sure thing!!" She stated

She started :

"Captain X has been caught by a navy vice admiral......
KID pirates are towards Saboady soon, reveals some unknown source,
No one knows about whitebeards next move... -"

"Uhm, Whitebeard?" I asked

"Uhm, it's written here just to attract readers... It's just an headline because whitebeard pirates has been too quite this days"she replied

" Now that i think of it.... After coming here i never heard any new news about them, despite them being on the top .. "

"Well i don't know whitebeard personally however dragon san said whitebeard isn't one to get into violence without reason like other braindead pirates!! " Koala smiled

.. I am glad then Ace is in such a great crew

Luffy's POV :

"Robin is taken!!!" Shouted nami

The situation got serious.... Not again.... I am not gonna let those navy take away someone close to me again...........

I destroyed those two buildings I was stuck on....


Y/n's POV :

Well there is no new news of luffy since alabasta too... I hope he is okay, even tho i dont remember him, i am sure i will start to worry about him after My operation is done..

Ace's POV :

"Just one more island to cross, then teach's head is mine for sure this time!!" I giggled to myself.... Thatch.... I will definitely avenge you!!!

First let me sneak into a navy base because I am hungry ://

*3 days later*

Y/n's POV :

"Did you heard?"

"Yes yes, its scary"



The whole revolutionary army is in a panic..... Why?

Sabo ran towards me

"Did you hear?"

"No everyone is too busy panicking to actually tell me what happened" I said in an annoyed voice

"Monkey D luffy invaded into Enis lobby"

"Huhh? Law told me no one ever got out alive from in there!! That place is very dangerous??!!"

"I know!! That's why everyone is a mess, even the government!!Luffy even burned down their flag and declared war to them!!!"

My eyes shined

Sabo went back to his office later and while i was walking, i had another 'vision' from my power


"No... I COULDN'T SAVE ANYONE" Cried luffy

"I AM THE PIRATE EMPRESS, BOA HANCOCK" Said a very pretty lady

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