Chapter : 26 {Come back}

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i screamed coming between the both of them

Ace looked as me breaking the stare however law maintained his

"Y/n".... I heard ace mumble

... " Uhm, law can me and Ace talk a but alone? I have some questions about myself"

With that i saw law's expression worsened and Ace's face light up

"...... Very well" Law gave me permission

With that i asked ace to come enter my room

Law looked worried but he knew this conversation was important


Ace walked behind me and entered the room, with that i closed the door so that law can't interrupt again,
Just after closing the door before i could turn to ace he hold my waist and pulled me closer to him, after that he started to kiss my lips

It all happened so quickly i couldn't even process that

I pushed back

"What do you think you are doing? "

"What?you are my fiance y/n"

"First of all I am estraña, second of all.... Even if you are my finace i don't remember you so please restrain from any intimate behavior"

I could see he didn't appreciate me setting boundaries

"But we already did it tho... "

My face went bright red

"Sh- shut up" I shouted

...i sighed

"Okay so, can you tell me all about myself? "

"Yes sure, i can go on about you for hours"

"I asked you to not flirt"
I glared at him

"What?? I was just stating the truth" He giggled

"Haha i am sorry y/n, i am just so happy to see you again, its been almost a year!!! "

"...... Start please"

"Okayyy sooo, do you remember dadan? "

I shooked my head no

"Soo dadan used to raise you me and luffy, uhm sabo too, but he died when he was a child" Said ace

"Ohh, then? " Idk this sabo but it kinda hurt knowing he is dead

"Soo first it was just me and sabo, sabo used to live alone tho, he was a Noble's son who ran away from his home, uhm then one day grap san who is luffy and mine gramps, he came along with luffy and you, you were 8 back then, while luffy was 7"

"Uhm is luffy the one with the rubber fruit? "

"Yes yes yes do You remember luffy??"Asked ace almost jumping

" No but Sara... The maid who chased you and masked guy off back in alabasta with the guide.... She told me that when the navy kidnapped me a rubber guy tried to save me, but he lost, they didn't bother with luffy anymore and just took me With them"
I said

"Soooooooo, why did they kidnap you tho? You never had any useful strength" He joked

I just gave him A glare and said
"I am the last surviving member of a race called Extrañas, i can see the future, i still can't control my powers tho, they wanted that power and wanted to turn me into a robot before i could take control of my own  Powers"

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