Chapter : 33 {Quit Heart Pirates)

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"Say, why don't you join us?" Asked koala lying in my bed

"Law took care of me all this years, plus they are like my only family" I replied

"Sabo kun may look dumb but he isn't half bad you knowww" Koala answered and I blushed

"Wh- what are you saying" I asked

"Or are you dating the other guy? Captain law? "

"Huh? Law? No he is just a friend of mine"

"Really? He seemed to really care about you" She replied

"You do know there are many benefits if you joing us"

"Like? "

"First of all Sabo kun is there, I am there.... Then you will have protection for your powers, then law's crew won't be the number one target of the government too, you can move around more freely as we live on an whole island!!"
She kept talking and talking

"...... " I didn't reply

"You care a lot about law san right?" She asked

"Hmm" I answered with a warm smile

"He is also gonna be more protected and free if you are not on the crew.... I am not making you feel bad, I am explaining the situation to you Extraña chan" She said


"OUCH" both of us shouted and falled off the bed
"An earthquake???" Asked koala
" NO! It doesn't felt this way that time!

".. An fisherman?" Koala said while I hold her hands and ran towards the hall

"I DON'T KNOWW" i shouted and saw Sabo and law in there

"Who might it be?? We are under the water!!" I asked

"The navy has does have some fishermen!" Replied Sabo

"Why will they bother so much all of a sudden?how did they even find us? " Asked penguin

".... You guys got into trouble with celestial dragon, of course they are gonna hunt you" Replied Koala calmly

"You are a devil fruit user right?" Koala asked law

Before he could answer the submarine shook again

Sabo caught me and didn't let me go while we were under the water

"YOU ARE LUCKY ME AND SABO KUN ARE HERE TONIGHT" said koala and ordered to take the submarine up in the ocean

It was hard but they did it

Sabo got out immediately and start to fight

He came back after 15 minutes with not even a scratch, he is strong

"It was a fisherman marine after all haha" Sabo laughed like nth happened

"Are you okay? " I asked

"Yea yea, let's all us go to sleeep!! " He grinned



"This is gonna change the world entirely!!"

"World's strongest man!! Whitebeard!"


Those stuff again? Now is not the time for that!!!

"You guys should leave this island as soon as possible, they seemed angry" Smiled Sabo

"Thank you for your help" Said law

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