Chapter : 46 {My Wife}

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Third Person's POV :

*In East Blue*

"LUFFY!! ACE!! Y/NNN!!! My children are alive and welll!!" Cried dadan

"Dadan san... It... It says Sabo is here too...... " Makino said

"Huh? What?" Dadan said

"See this picture of the four escaping from Marineford!" Makino said

"Luffy, Ace, Y/n...huh? Luffy, Ace,
y/n....huh? Luffy....ace...y/n.....HUH?!!"

"BUT HOWW?!!" dadan asked shocked


"At least y/n is safe now as we know, she is with Ace" Makino giggled

*At The Grandline*

"So you are well, my lady... " Said the maid Sara as her elder sister called her to come inside
She had a newspaper on her hand and was staring at the ocean

"Sara!!! Hurry up!! It's snowing outside!"

"Coming sister!"


*At the Ship*

Ace was still asleep
He felt something warm cuddling with him

... "... Mhmmm... Y/nn..." He mumbled in his sleep

But why does he feel suffocated?
That's when he opened his eyes

But why does he feel suffocated? That's when he opened his eyes

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"Oi luffy wake up, or else I am gonna burn you off" He said

"Ah you are awake!" Y/n said as she entered the room

"All of you guys still keep snore, idiots" Y/n added

"First help me get out of here" Ace said



"Okay so we are gonna take the criminals on the revolutionary army's island, and give them a new life, however if they choose to go their own ways we won't force them"
Explained koala

"Me and koala will be going back with them of course, the next island is 5 hours away right now, however... " Sabo said

"Ace, luffy, y/n, where are you three going?"
He asked

.. "I AM GOING BACK TO HANCOCK's island..... I am still too weak to protect anything.... I am gonna take a break from pirates and train to go to the New world!" Said luffy

Awe luffy, he grew up

"... The strawhats will be going to the New World 2 years later?" Law interrupted

"Well, I am gonna get down on the next island and join my crew who are at saboady" He added, seems like he had a change of plans after hearing about luffy

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