Chapter : 3 {Unbearable Guy}

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Y/n's pov :

I woke up... But alone in the bed, i wondered about ace and thought to give him a good scolding now.... I got out of the bed and went to the washroom to brush my teeth
Someone started to try to open the door, i shouted "i am inside, don't push!!"
But that guy didn't stopped, i went to Open the door "heey wait there buddy, i am Inside-"

The door broke, or rather ace broke the door............... Unbearable

"Hey didn't you hear me shout i was inside? -"

"So what? I have to use the washroom"he said while looking straight to his brush

" Yes i know however you could wait a bit- till i was done you know?? Don't you have manners? "

"Shut up loud girl"said the angry guy

" Hmmmm say that to dadan san when she beats your ass"i warned the guy and ran to dadan san

Third person pov :

"ACE YOU BASTARD WHO DO YOU THINK IS GONNA PAY FOR THE WASHROOM DOOR???!! -"said the angry orange hair woman

Just to find no one there yet again

"That guy...... "Y/n mumbled

In front of the home y/n found luffy crying, " What happened luffy?" ......... " Ace beat me up and went to hangout alone againn, wahhhhaaaa"

"Okay okay don't cryy, let's go play together, lets play a fun gamee today!!"

"What game? " Asked the boy forgetting his sadness for ace

"Let's play leaf collection,do you know how to Play it? You have to bring unique types of leaves to Me And i have to do the same, the one with the most beautiful leaves wins, you have to bring 12 types of leaves, okay?? " Y/n said brightly, remembering this was a game her dad had taught her...

Luffy got excited and they started the game, after both collecting 11 leaves, they both went a bit deep into the forest to search for more, at last they both spotted a very beautiful bright red leaf, both non was able to reach it, not even luffy, y/n got sad and they thought they should went back... Little did they knew a certain raven haird freckle faced boy was watching them, after they reached where they were keeping their older leaves, they saw the place was empty

Upon searching for it left and right, they saw Ace on a tree And tearing the leaves with a angry smirk on his face..... Y/n shouted "HEY WE WERE NOT BOTHERING YOU, WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?? U UNBEARABLE GUY"

ACE didn't cared and fully satisfied went back deep into the jungle again.

Y/n and luffy had no choice but to go home as its already starting to get dark now

After y/n and luffy finished their day playing and y/n teaching some basic alphabets to luffy,and luffy showing her, his rubber rubber powers, which y/n didn't really get shocked by because her mom was also a devil fruit user, she gained an interest on luffy to teach him some basic fighting moves he can use to fight and protect himself from ace
Even tho y/n was a nice and kind hearted girl, no way in hell was she to forgive ace's rude behavior earlier, especially when her mom was such a peace lover.

"It seems like ace tries to be included in our activities but his way of being included is wrong because he is too shy!!" Y/n Figured out

At night luffy and y/n began their dinner however an unexpected guest joined them, it was ace
From which even dadan got shocked


What is that bastard doing here?

"Hey how are u here today? " I asked curiously

"Can't i eat at my own house now? "

From Which dadan and the entire bandit crew choked

Dadan shouted "are you sure u didn't bring any trouble or something? You are scaring us"

However he didn't gave an reply, which wasn't unusual for him.

"Well children go to bed after having a bath okay? "

"Okayy~~" Luffy and I replied

At the bath
It was luffy's shampoo day, which he hates, however as we sleep together, i can't just let gim go around with a dirty head full of sand

Someone pushes the door open... It was ace!!
He was wearing a towel in his waist, i could see the scars and his ruff body
From being in the forest all the time, i wonder where he goes?

Ace enters and luffy screames "you are mean, you can't take a bath with us!!! "


That's when i snapped
Always hurting and cursing people......

I slapped him

OMG I SLAPPED HIM, HE DOESN'T HAVE ANY MANNERS, WHAT IF HE SLAPS BACK, WHILE PRAYING IN MY MIND THAT THIS GUY DOESN'T SLAP ME BACK I SPOKE....... "You should have some shame, why don't you have any manners? Did your mom taught you nth? "........... Annnnd he ran away without even facing me, of course he did, that's all he is good at.

After the bath me and luffy saw ace is already in the bed, facing the wall
Luffy said he is sleepy and went to bed too, while i went to the dining room to get some water i saw dadan san drinking

"That guy is troublesome Right? I saw you guys arging today, you asked about his mom.... She and his dad they are both dead. Reason i have to take care of that little devil's child........." Spoke dadan while drinking

"I- I DON'T THINK HE- HE SHOULD BE CALLED SUCH THINGS, yes its true he is a bit- no not a bit, he is fully Mannerless and unbearable, however i think he just tries to get engaged with me and luffy in our activities, maybe because he is lonely................ I wish he can come on to us nicely and become our friend...... I-" I stopped when i saw the already asleep dadan, "huhh, they sure sleep at the most important times"" Let me go to sleep too" I giggled

Little did I knew that cheeky guy was hearing our convo......a blush came across ace's face

"I- i.............. She- she is anno-annoying" Ace thought to himself and went to bed

When i entered the room i saw both ace and luffy asleep
But ace pushing luffy in his sleep with his legs to make space for me in the middle of them or that's what it seems like at least hehe, "you unbearable guy"...... With that I went to sleep too.

*thats alll, hope you guys enjoy :3, forgive any mistakes :)) i will update today again! *

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