Chapter : 6 {His Heart Part 2}

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The next day I went to meet up with sabo for a bit because i was visiting him less and less now after y/n showed up.... After having our usual convo, i was going back home but sabo decided to come with me too

We heared a Noise close by and went to check up on it, it was luffy..... And
y/n with him! Why are they in this lake? Maybe they are gonna bath here?

Sabo whispered to me "by the look on your face i can tell This is y/n and luffy right ace? ...... " Yea that's y/n"
We hear luffy ask y/n to swim With him in the lake... Y/n rejected tho "hehe look like she doesn't have any interest on swiming, we should go right ace? " Asked the blonde wearing a hat bigger than his head..... ""Yea let's go, i just hope they don't reach the place we hide our loots"..... I really was worried bout them, what if they went deeper into the forest and those scums from The moutains spots them And attacks? They don't have any mercy anyway,Anything can happen to them.... " I got an idea" I whispered to sabo

With that I Pushed luffy from Behind when y/n wasn't looking, "now they have no choice but to go home because luffy is alll wet"

Sabo scolded me saying that luffy could had died back there if y/n didn't knew how to Swim, but I assured him That we could just had stepped in to save them if things went south

*at home*

I went home with a good mood..... Not for long

I entered my room just to meet with a sick y/n, her panting and shaking voice made me Want to cry

I hate this..... I hate myself.... For me all this happened, maybe i really am just a burden, now i am a burden for the girl I care so much about too......

Dadan said we need medicine but didn't knew how, i have to do sth, i can't wait till night for dadan to go bring makino, i should go to the village myself
But is it safe? The villagers won't recognize me right?? Last time dadan went up the village i was with her tho......

Not caring anymore i took some money from mine and sabo's loot box from the forest and went to get the medicine to the village

All was going well till the cap i was wearing to hide my face flew away, the doctor recognized me....

Oh no I don't have time to fight... Y/n is sick...... I took the medicine and ran

Men startes to run after me shouting i stole the medicine which wasn't true at all.....
I fell.... It wasn't a problem, i was used to it

After 5 mins of running i finnally lost them, however my legs still hurts from falling, i have to make sure the medicine doesn't get ruined i thought to myself

Finally i was home.... Finally y/n would get better

Keeping the medicine beside her resting body, she really was burning up like fire...... I gave her forehead a kiss "get well soon y/n"........

With that i went outside the door and sat there till she woke up

*timeskip to midnight*

Seems like she is already well

" Thank you for the medicine today ace, i really was sick"said the girl with a warm smile

.... Will she give me a warm smile if i keep taking care of her like today? Will she keep smiling like this? I want to protect her smile..... But maybe i am not worthy of that... After all i am just an unfortunate kid born to be just a scum...

"N-no problem" I replied

She asked me to play with her and luffy since tomorrow....
Maybe i will... I did treat luffy badly too...... Maybe i should apologize.

After a while she went to sleep
"night" I whispered

*next day*

I saw luffy and y/n playing that stupid game again..... Why do they always have to be so close anyway??

I decided to keep an eye on them, after a while i saw y/n worried bout collecting another leaf..... I remember she and luffy talking about that big red leaf, well i can easily reach it! Let me go help her!!

I put the leaf secretly, where y/n kept the rest of them..

When she saw it she again gave that warm smile....... I love seeing it, made me feel like it really was worth taking the trouble of searching for this leave!

Today night too, she thanked me,we now became friends, she is very kind with mee...
"You know i would had prefer flowers instead of leaves"....
goshhh, what will i do with herr....

My face instantly went bright red while i told her i only gave her the leave because i was helping her win the game...
Shortly after she falled asleep

" Goodnight y/n"
" Flowers huh.. "I mumbled

Then falled asleep besides her along with luffy...

*okayy ace pov is finished here :3, new chapter will begin with the new plot!!! Hope you guys enjoy it, sorry this chapter is a bit short! :((

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