Chapter : 43 {Extraña}

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Long, long ago,
There was a man named Extraña with yellow eyes and black hair
He was loved by many,even tho he became an orphan shortly after his birth

He lived in a very small island, they didn't had any king, nor did they had any outside protection

They fought off the outsiders themselves. With Extraña's strength and kind heart, he soon was choosen as the island leader, no matter what the problem

Everyone came to him for the solution
Everyone loved him so much, that they can even die for him

He was strong kind, smart and very knowledgeable about the outside world

He was also one of the few island leaders, who travelled outside their island

Their island was said to be the home of a very important 'thing', and they used to believe the meaning of their life is to protect that 'thing's' home, the island

Days passed, months too, years too...

Everytime he gets out of the island, he makes sure to bring a souvenir back home with him

This time it was, some clothes with a very unusual design which they never saw before, however something else caught his wife's eyes, it was a green stone Extraña picked up thinking it can help as a tool so that papers don't fly away

"Can I keep this?" Asked his wife looking very curiously at the stone

Extraña, whose whole world was his wife, of course agreed

Everyday his wife used to clean the stone and decorate it in the table in front of their bed, the stone used to glow in the dark, she developed a weird obsession towards it

One random night, Extraña woke up, not seeing his wife beside him, the room was pinch black, which was unusual because the stone always kept their room glowing for the past few montts, he grew worried, what if bandits came and took his wife?

He ran outside just to find his wife sitting on the ground

He went closer however stopped when he saw her in a praying position

She was bowing down to...... A GREEN FAIRY?

Wait... Is that even a fairy?
What is that thing?  He thought to himself

"Oh destiny, my dear destiny" His wife cried out loud

"Look up my child"
Spoke that fairy, it had a very beautiful voice... Extraña was almost close to believing that, that thing was a fairy

"My child, you took great care of me all this months, Tell me, what do you wish for?" Asked the fairy to his wife

"My destiny, i want nothing... Nothing except take care of you, me and my husband lost a child some months ago you see.... Taking care of you fills that emptiness up for me" His wife replied

"Very well my child, however I can not just overlook all your kindness, soon you will receive a gift" That fairy smiled and vanished away

Extraña went running to his wife, his wife told him, that she was talking with
"Destiny" Who lives inside that stone, and that destiny is happy on us, so she is bringing us a prize soon!

Extraña was confused, but seeing his wife happy was all he needed


Soon Extraña received a gift

"Aunty layla lost her chain? " Asked Extraña

"The chain is Under a rock in front of the stream" Extraña replied

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