Chapter : 10 {Closer?}

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Y/n's POV :

me and luffy decided to go to the forest and start playing, after entering and splitting our ways for leaves....i was bout to fall into the lake when i tried to pick a leaf from a branch which was hanging on top of the tree

"A little mooree- AH-" i screamed and closed my eyes before someone caught me.... Or my neck

I looked back to see..... "ACE! "

"You will fall if u keep trying to get closer to the lake like that" Ace said

"I- i just wanted that leaf, sorry...."

He didn't reply

"Are you here for some work?"I asked ace, he is 15 already, he won't come to the forest to just play around right? RIGHT?

" Uhm...... " His face red "i came to play in here"


"ohh WOW, uhm do u wanna join me and luffy? " I asked while his hands were in my neck still.... It got so big... It seems like a total different body

"No. I am going home, cya"

I blushed.... We had a porper conversation...... It's been so many years since then....

*after the game*

Luffy lost the game again so i punished him By making him give me a piggy back ride till we get home home... Hehe it was comfortable

"Do you know luffy? Me and ace met in the forest and had a real conversation!" I said while he was walking with me on his back

"Really??! I thought he lost his voice because it's already been so many years he haven't talked " Replied luffy

Me And him Laughed hard, but i did smacked him lightly in the head saying that was rude.

I spotted Ace afar, watching us without any expression

I wonder what his deal is....

*At home*

Ace came to have dinner today, maybe he was in a good mood, maybe i should try to talk with him again today,maybe he is gonna reply?.....

*At midnight*

I woke up just to see ace sitting under the candle light at the study table's chair

"Uhm,can't sleep? " I asked

"..... I don't sleep with you guys anymore"

Huh? I thought he slept with us but after me and luffy falled asleep

"Where do you sleep then? "

"Does it matter? " He said with a harsh tone from which i could understand he wanted me to just shut the fuck up
But i am also y/n, i just won't shut the fuck up yk

"Why don't you sleep with us anymore tho? "

His face instantly went red "do you really not know? "

"What? -"

"It's because you have boobs now"


"wh- what? I am just keeping my distance,on the other hand you should thank me for it, unlike baka luffy i know what to do and not just fall asleep with a teenager girl almost my age! "
He said confidently

So he sees me as a girl?

"Ohh but you don't mind him for sure,you guys are dating right? I saw the way he holds you and brings you back home" Asked ace with a smirk,

but i could tell he is saying this because he is too shy to ask me directly if i am single or not
But no y/n,let's not get ahead of myself, maybe he liked me when we were children but what if it was just a stupid crush?

"Well if you are asking me if i am single or not, i am fully, completely, without doubt single" I smirked back

"Well sad for you, i am going to sleep, night" Said the rude raven hair and started walking out of the door

Why did he even came into the room then?

"M'kay good night grumpy" I smiled, feeling like a 13yo talking with her crush for the first time

Oh wait I AM a 13 yo who is talking with her crush for the first time in years hehe

*Short chapter because I was busy Sorryyyyyy, Byeeee :3!*

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