Chapter : 18 {Spade Pirates}

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*4 months after the marines kidnapped y/n*


Screamed dadan while makino was holding luffy with the other bandits

"I HAVE TOOO! THOSE BASTARDS TOOK Y/N!!!! " Luffy screamed back
Trying to break loose


"We at least have to let ace know!!!then at least he can search for her "
Said luffy

"Yes but how? He is in a journey, we can't send him a letter to a specific place!!! Now calm down and wait, there is nothing we can do except wait! Or let grap come, we can ask him as the navy were involved!!!! " said dadan

"....... Ok... " Said luffy in a low tone

On the other hand, at the red line.... There woke a certain green eyed girl from her sleep

"Good morning, my lady" Said the black haired, grey eyed maid Sara

"Good morning, sara.... Do I have any classes today? " Asked y/n, or rather... Sara's owner 'Extraña'

"No you don't madam, would you like to take a walk on the garden or havw a tea party with the neighborhood ladies? " Asked Sara without any expression

"Uhm, no, that's boring, plus thats all i have been doing after I recovered" Said y/n in a bored voice


Sara doesn't talk much, and is always emotionless.... I wonder what she was like in her child hood?

They did said sara was my closest maid in my childhood, i don't remember tho
........... As if i remember anything else

3 months ago when I wake up, i didn't even remember who I am or what my name was, 'mom' and 'dad' said they are my parents, 'my fav maid' said she is my fav maid, the doctor said I fell down from a horse while I was horse riding and hit my head, he said maybe I will remember my memories soon, and said not to stress

Hmmm...........let me go meet my parents then

"I wanna meet dad today" I said

"Hu- huh? But my lady your dad is busy in his work-"

"So what? I am his daughter, he should have time for me, plus i wont bother him so its alright"

I said in a happy tone

After walking me down the big mansion corridor sara stopped and said as a mere servent she doesn't have the permission to walk further into the lord's office room
Well whatever

Before i could finish i heard him from behind the door talking with someone

"I hate, hate, hateee it soo muchhhh, why do i have to deal with this mere lowblooded race? They always boiled my bloooddd, NOW there is ONE IN MY OWN HOUSE!!!! "
Shouted dad

Huh? His house? Mere blood? Is he talking bout sara?

"Calm down honey, we received this orders directly from HIM, if we deny it, even being from one of the most powerful celestial dragon family, THEY are gonna hunt us till we die, so let's just take care of it till they take it away to were it belongs"..... Said a high pinched voiced lady

Huh? Mom? Who are they talking bout? Did they brought slaves again? Even tho i hate this mom and dad always buys slaves, they said one of my favorite hobby before I lost my memory was torturing slaves................... Cruel

"I knoww!! But why can't we just lock her up? Why do we need all this pretend game?? Why do we need to keep IT happy? "

"Because stress is gonna trigger her powers up!! Don't you know? If they focus on a thing very much then THEY can use their power on the focused person or thing, if IT becomes aware, then IT may try to escape or even try to bring harm to the government using IT'S powers!! You seriously were unknown of all this till today???"

"I never really cared about IT except to keep the higher ups happy" Replied dad

All this months while I was living here, i only met dad twice... Sometimes Mom Came in to check on me and encouraged me to not pry too much into the outside world cuz they aren't 'worth it'. Hearing so much words from dad felt.... Weird

Hmm, I decided not to meet them and went back to the place sara was waiting for me

"..... Sara? Can i ask you something? "

"Yes my lady? "

"You said you have been my maid since I was 10 right? "

"Correct my lady"

"Do i have any close friend? Best friend or sth? "

"My- my lady always liked to be all by yourself with me by your side"

"Ohhh, also why am i still home schooled? I don't have any type of prob anymore except my memories uk"

"Uh- that's cuz the madam doesn't want you to get hurt again, she is very protective of you, my lady"


*On the grand line*

Third person's POV :

"Heey acee come join usss, our next stop is alabasta right? " Said a drunk crewmate of ace

"Yeah..... "

"I heard the heart pirates are already there!! You think we are gonna have to fight them? " Asked masked decue

"Yeah..... " Replied ace

"Are you even listening?You seem down, thats unusual!! " Said another crew member while putting his drink down.

"I am just missing my family back home" Ace said with a sad smile

"Luffy and your fiance eh? "

"She isn't my fiance!! I didn't propose yet!! " Ace blushed

"Hehe you said 'yet' hahahaahah"

With that the whole crew laughed at him while cheering at the same time screaming y/n's name again and again

Ace kept blushing as hard as he could

"Heeey ace come join usss!!! " Screamed masked deuce

"Co-coming....... "Replied ace and started to run towards the table

"I.... I just hope they are all doing well" Ace spoke while staring at the big blue sky


*At the redline*

Y/n was looking at the big blue sky from her balcony while faced directly to the sea

The sea makes me feel so nice, it felts warm, it feels like i have been looking at the sea as far as i can remember.... It makes me feel nostalgic

"..... Sara? Can't I go on a vacation or something? "

"Th- that.. I don't think the madam will give you permission my lady..... The common people live there"

"Hmm at least I can try to go there you know!! I will try to take the permission soon!! "

"As you wish my lady" Sara said, again without any expression

*okkki chapter endss, just so you know I changed some of the real plots too, byeee,hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! :3*

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