Chapter : 44 {Alive}

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Y/n's POV :

I Screamed, ace is gonna die... Destiny is showing me
...... No... Not Ace.... Not my Ace.....


"Huh? Why isn't anyone moving?" I asked

"That's my work my child" Said a green fairy

"Wwhat???? A fairy?"

"No.... I don't get why you mortals believe me to be a mere fairy... I am, Much more than that.... I am your destiny!! " The fairy smiled

"... De- destiny?" I asked confused and obviously scared

"Yes!! For now, I am here for an important job!"

"And that is?"

" You are trying to change destiny by saving your lover right?" The fairy asked with a smile

"... I am just here to save Ace" I replied

"Well... That's impossible!!" Said the fairy, still smiling

"Wh- WHY?!" I Looked at her with pleading eyes

"Because he is destiny's most hatred child!!" She said

..... "Because he is the pirate King's son?"

"No! Because his was written by the gods!! Now I am not sure why they wanted his destiny to he so cruel since birth.... Maybe they were bored?"
She said

.... She was saying all this about my Ace....

"Calm honey Calmmm!! After all I am Here to help you!!" She said

"Help me? How?" I asked

"Well you see, the little power you have, was given by me to you... Back when i was young and reckless, i didn't think of it much and just give powers away.. " The fairy said remembering her past

"And...?... " I asked

"And so!! As an apology from me for. My past behaviour, I want to give you a gift!!Ask Awayy!!" She smiled

".... Save Ac-"

"Can't!! Told ya, he is destiny's hatred Child!! However there is a glitch!!!' The fairy smirked

".... Can you make me strong?" I asked

"Strong? Physically?" She asked

"Yes.. Like kill anyone i want type?"

"Uhm sure, but it will have a side effect you.... You have to make sure, not to kill any one with your power, that's going against destiny!!! That's not permitted!!" She screamed

"... I will... Thank you fairy"

"Yes,just remember love, if you use this power to save your lover... Your power of seeing destiny will be taken away, even your strength given by me right now!You will, just be a normal human"

Well I never wanted the power anyways, however I can save Ace for this, so I don't mind losing it for Ace too!!

With that the fairy was gone and time started moving again

"GO AWAY!!!!" I screamed, a wind came from inside of me and akainu amd Ace both went flying



Law brought both me and Ace into the warship, with luffy, sabo koala and the others who were already there

I saw White Beard hold akainu and fighting him... Akainu is a gonerrr

Destiny's hatred child{Ace x childhood friend! reader}one Piece Where stories live. Discover now