chapter 11🔞

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In evening

Yn wake up and first thing she saw jungkook...

Yn wake up and first thing she saw jungkook

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Jk-how are feeling you now?

Yn-I'm fine..... it's evening time, so my money...

Jk chuckled...

Jk in mind- here I'm worried for her since morning and she is talking about money... bloody gold digger....

Jk- let me call someone to bring cash.... I don't want cash....just transfer money to one account...

Jk raised his eyebrows...

Jk- whom account?

Yn-none of your business...

Jk clinched his jaw anger....

Jk-okay give me account....

Jk give her paper and pen....yn write account details..... then give to jk..

Jk- i have some eat your dinner and take rest...

Then he left the room...he dial someone number..


Jk- she made your work easy... I'm sending you a account details.... tell me who is owner of account?

Then he cut the call and sit in his car and drive away....

Jeon's Mansion

Jk enter in house and first thing he feel hug

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Jk enter in house and first thing he feel hug.... it's Sara....

Sara-baby..i missed you so much..where were you past two days?

Jk was about to push him but he saw his dad so stop..

Jk- i was stuck in work.....

Sara break the hug and looked at jk with pout..

Sara-didn't you missed me?

Jk in mind- no... just get lost....

Jk- yes..i missed you baby... actually I'm hungry.. let's eat dinner...

Jungkook's Mistress 2🔞Where stories live. Discover now