chapter 15

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Yn is standing there and lost in her thoughts... then she heard..

Sara- legs are paining...

Jk-oh.. really Honey.. then you should sit..come..

Jk sit on chair and made sara sit in his lap....sara was surprised because first time jk behave like this with her...yn looked away while controlling her tears....

Sara- I'm hugry..

Jk- let me order something for you...

He looked at yn...

Jk-miss Yn....go to canteen and bring some good lunch for me and MY WIFE....and one thing third floor canteen make best food so bring from there...and go by stairs don't use elevator... you understand...

Yn nodded..sara hold jk face and kissed him suddenly he was shocked....but he kissed her back... while kissing jk looked back where was yn standing but now she is not there...he pushed sara from his lap and Sara land on floor...jk get up...

Sara- aaaaa.. what was this behavior?

Jk- get lost from many times I told you don't come here...

He said while wiping his lips...

Sara- I'm your wife.....

Jk- forced wife....we made contract on our wedding day so stop this wife leave me alone...

He sit on chair and started checking CCTV footage or i saw stalking yn...sara get up and walk out of room with angry face...

Jk saw yn walking on stairs while crying....

Jk in mind- because of your fake promises my life become hell and now I will gonna make yours..

10 years ago

Yn and some local people are finding jk in snow....she is crying messed.... it's night time..

Man- it's too cold.. we will find him in morning....i don't think he is still alive after...

Yn- shut up...

Yn shout...

Yn- if you don't want to help me then go..i will find him by myself...

She started walking here and there...suddenly she bumbed with something and fell on snow...she looked there and saw hand...

Yn- jungkook....he is here..

She started digging snow with her hands...she is sobbing..

Yn- please stay safe....

They removed the snow and saw .

They removed the snow and saw

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Yn- jungkook.....

She hugged him...his body is freez after all he was under snow at least, three hours....yn checked his pules and it's slow....he is shivering...

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