◇Rosekiller◇ • Drunken Kiss

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• image by @sophithil on IG

They woke up together on the floor of the common room. Barty had his head on Evans chest. He felt him wake up. Evans fingers were moving too much where they lay by his neck. Barty spoke first.

"I'm really sorry, Ev,".

"Sorry for what, Princess?". Barty rolled off Evan so they were lying side by side and covered his face with his hands. It made it easier if he didn't know where Evan was looking.

"For kissing you,". Evan was silent. Bartys heart was racing. He didn't even consider the fact that Evan may have been too drunk to remember. Barty was drunk too but he could never forget the moment their lips met.

"Evan! Ev! I'm going to get your present!" Barty called.

"I wanna come!" Evan yelled, running up the stairs behind Barty. He almost slipped but it was ok. Barty wasn't paying attention to that. He was focusing more on trying to remember where the present was. He crossed the room to his bed, listening as the door shut behind him. He was standing by his bed when suddenly, tanned hands wrapped themselves around his bare waist. His heart stopped. He wrapped his hands around them. He felt scars. He felt little marks. He knew these hands.

"Evan..." Barty began. He didn't finish. Evans soft, brown-tinted lips brushed against his neck. He shivered. But then he made a stupid decision. He turned to face Evan, placing his hands on his face. Evans hands didn't leave his waist. They'd kissed before. Chaste kisses in truth or dare or before bed occasionally. But this one was different. Their lips met in a French kiss, their tounges searching each other's mouths.

"Barty... the only thing you should be sorry for is not kissing me longer. For allowing me to run away from something I wanted so so much," Evan murmured. Barty was more than sure he'd misheard the other boy.


"But I didn't want it to escalate and I couldn't be with you alone in our dorm without wanting it to go further. But we were drunk and I didn't and it to be like that if it happened at all. I wanted to remember every last second of it,". Barty finally turned to look at Evan and realised the other boy had been watching him the whole time. So he kissed Evan again. And again when they went upstairs (Regulus wasn't there unsurprisingly as he'd been shamelessly making out with James Potter the previous night). And again when they were brushing their teeth. And again when they were getting undressed to shower. And again when they were in the shower. And again at breakfast.

That night was heavenly.

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