☆Wolfstar☆ • The Incident

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"he doesn't want to see you Sirius," James murmured, shutting the door. Sirius would've cried but he'd used up all his tears already. He'd sat out here and cried for the last 8 hours and refused to move no matter how much James forced him.

"but I need him James," Sirius said, voice breaking. He felt the tears coming back.

"I know, Pads, I know," James murmured, sitting on the floor beside Sirius.

"Isn't there anything you can do to convince him I'm really really sorry,".

"Sirius he knows your sorry, but you can't blame him for still being upset about it," James said. Sirius didnt respond. He just cried again.

Madam Pomfrey came out twice over the next hour to give them updates.

James went in a few times.

Sirius stayed bundled up in one of Remus' jumpers in the corridor where he'd been since Remus had been brought up that morning.

It was now 7pm. Sirius couldn't even feel the hunger anymore. He couldn't feel the pain. He just wanted-

"Just make sure you're not too hard on him yeah?". Sirius looked up. It was James. And beside him, Remus. Remus didn't even look at him, but Sirius knew he knew he was there.

"Rem-" Sirius began.

"Be quiet, Sirius," Remus snapped, turning half to face him.

"But Remus, I didn't mean to,".

"Well of course you didn't fucking mean to, Sirius! You never mean to! Everything you do is a fucking accident and you always seem to think that's a good fucking excuse, well guess what Sirius fucking Black, it isn't!". Sirius cowered away.

"But I was just-".

"-sirius I don't give a shit! I couldn't care less! Why should I when you clearly didn't, hm Sirius ever think of it like that! I've been an outcast almost my whole fucking life and you took it upon yourself to remind me exactly why!".


"-you know what you've just done, Sirius! Just proved why I can't be trusted around other people! I'm a fucking monster Sirius Black and thank you so fucking much for reminding me as if the fucking scars aren't enough! I rip myself to pieces every month and you decided with that smart little head of yours to make me rip up someone else! Why!? Because you've got no sense and no care for anyone else! If Snape had died did you ever think what would happen to me, Sirius Black?! You've spent the last 5 years telling me I'm not a monster and I've fucking tried to prove that. I've spent the last 5 years telling you you're nothing like your family and you've just thrown all that out the window! You're always going to be one of them Sirius I could never imagine why I decided you were nothing like them because you are! They fucking kill people well so do you! You've fucking killed me Sirius Black, almost James and Snape too so well fucking done!".

Remus left after that. Sirius cried. He was in pieces. His head hurt more and more as he smashed it against the stone floor. James tried to stop him. Sirius felt his head bleeding. He was light headed. The world started spinning faster and faster until there was just...


A/N: Sirius didn't kill himself he just blacked out!! I decided to write this because I'm currently writing a Wolfstar story and it doesn't include the incident so I wanted to have a go at the aftermath. This hasn't been proofread I'm sort of just writing and posting sorry in advance🥲.

Let me know when I should post the first chapter of the wolfstar story!!

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