♡Jegulus♡ • Party

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• image by @industrations on ig

"Just look at him Reg!" Sirius murmured, his eyes fixed on a tall boy with light brown curls and golden eyes.

"I've looked at him. in fact I've looked at him more than you have because if you looked at him enough you'd know hes been staring at you as well," Regulus said, smirking. Sirius smiled down at his brother.

"don't put false imaginaries in my head, baby brother," he said. Regulus rolled his eyes. "anyway, I think your boyfriend has arrived. wanna go say hi?".

"No, I do not," Regulus muttered.

"Too late, he's coming over," said Sirius, grinning. Regulus averted his eyes as James came over and threw an arm around Sirius, whispering something to him. Sirius stared at him wide eyed.

"I'm not giving you any information, Jamie," he said, laughing. James smirked.

"But you'll let me have him?".

"If you can get him, be my guest,". Regulus looked up. From across the room, his eyes locked with his best friend. He came over.

"Are you guys ok?" Remus asked. Regulus and James watched Sirius practically undress Remus with his eyes.

"No," Sirius murmured. Remus raised an eyebrow.

"We're fine, moony. Me and Reggie ("Regulus," Regulus muttered.) were about to go for a walk. Weren't we Reggie?". Regulus glanced at Sirius and then at Remus.

"Yeah. Of course," Regulus said, slowly.

"You guys have fun," Remus said, smirking. He took the empty cup from Sirius' hand and proceeded to lift his own full cup to the shorter boys lips for him to drink.

"I don't understand it," James said, as they climb out of the portrait hole. "Remus manages to just exsist and he drives Sirius absolutly mad. Sirius says Remus should be forbidden from showing even a silver of skin unless he's on top of him.". Regulus snorts.

"Is that why he was complaining to me about how Remus had his whole chest out today?" He asked. James nodded.

"Most likley. Do you feel like that about anyone, Reg?".

"What? That someone shouldn't be allowed their chest out?".

"No no," James laughed. "That someone just existing drives you absolutly mad,". Regulus was drunk bear in mind. He also couldn't be bothered to lie to James anymore. Regulus and his brother had patched up their relationship considerably this year and as a result Regulus was spending more and more time with him. And in conclusion, with James Potter. It started one afternoon when they were both searching for Sirius as both thought he was with the other. They walked for about a minute in an uncomfortable silence when James decided to ask Regulus if he hated him. Regulus had no idea (Ok maybe a bit of an idea) as to why James thought that. And he'd said no. Then James started this speech about what made him think Regulus hated him and Regulus, out of stupidity, hugged him and said he didn't at all. And from that day, Regulus relaxed considerably around James. He'd also stopped calling him Potter. Then they started spending time together without Sirius, Remus and Peter. So to sum it up, Regulus told James the truth in answer to his question.

"Yes. He's very special,". Something flashed in James' eyes for a second and then he said.

"What's his name?". Regulus stopped. James stopped aswell.

"James. His name is James Potter,". James didn't say anything for a few moments.

"I drive you mad by just existing?". Regulus nodded.

"You're beautiful," he said. "Beautiful and funny and just an overall beam of sunshine. You make my days undoubtedly better just by greeting me when we run into each other,". Regulus sighed and leaned back against the wall behind them.

"If this is your way of saying you like me Reg... I like you too-".

"Yes but it doesn't matter does it!? Because at the end of the day that's disgusting and unacceptable isn't it? Forbidden. Sirius was abused heavily for it and I don't wish to suffer the same ways he did!" Regulus cried. He brought up his hands to rub his eyes. He couldn't look at James. He was stressed. And he felt like he wanted to run but he didn't know where. But at the same time he wanted to stay with James. He didn't feel safe anywhere else. Not even with Sirius but-.

"Do your parents tell you that stuff?". Regulus looked up. James was holding his wrists, gently prying his hands away from his now slightly watery eyes. Regulus dried them on his sleeve, taking one of his hands out if James' grasp. He nodded, silently. And James hugged him, arms around his small waist. It reminded Regulus of the first time they hugged. When this all started. He hugged James back. And they stayed like that for about a minute in silence. When James pulled away, there was a wide smile on his face.

"We'll get through it together, Reg,". Regulus brought his hands up to cup James' face in his hands. And he kissed him softly.

"Together," he murmured.

James kissed him again.

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