♡Jegulus♡ • Saving

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"Reg?" called James. Regulus didn't turn around. James was more than aware that something had been off since they came back from Christmas break.

"hello, James," Regulus murmured. James was worried. As he went to stand beside Reggie, a thousand thoughts ran through his head. It felt almost like he was having an attack. He didnt like the feeling at all.

"Are you ok, Reggie?" Asked James. Regulus didnt look at him but there were tears in his eyes. James watched one slowly roll down his pale, soft skin. He wiped it away.

"Whats wrong?". Regulus took a deep breath.

"James... we cant be together anymore," he said. Whatever was the problem, James hadnt been expecting this.

"What!? Why!? What do you mean by "cant" !?" James exclaimed. Regulus took a step back and began wandering around the tower. He didnt speak. James watched him, heart racing. Whether from fear or anger, James had no idea.

"I did it. Over the christmas. But-".

"Reg, i dont understand," James murmured, though he feared he did. Regulus stopped wandering and instead went to stand directly infront of James. Then he spoke the 4 words that turned James' nightmares over the last 2 weeks into reality:

"I took the mark,".

James froze.

"You what?" He asked, his voice barley a whisper. Regulus, upon seeing James' face, took a few steps back.

"I had no choice, James-".

"Theres always a choice!" James interrupted, furiously. He was crying. It wouldve hurt more not to. His heart was already falling through his ribs and he certainly did not need his lungs giving up too. "I offered to save you so many times-".

"And i told you so many times, i dont fucking want your help! I dont need you to save me, James! For you and my brothers own fucking safety told you i do not want to be saved. You cant save everyone, Potter. Unfortunately, you had to learn the hard way but im happy to have taught you the lesson,".

And he remembered this lesson, 4 years later, as he died protecting Harry and Lily.

James couldn't save them. But he was happy to die trying.

If only hed said the same to Regulus Black years ago and maybe life wouldve allowed it. Allowed them. Maybe love wouldve been on their side and they didnt have to die separately. Maybe they wouldve gone through it together. Maybe James wouldve been able to prevent Regulus' young death at 19. Maybe they couldve saved each other the years of depression that followed that one night.

But as Regulus had said, you cant save everyone.

James learnt the hard way.

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