◇Rosekiller◇ • Death

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**TW** Evan dies in this, it's a bit sad and self destruction ensues from Barty.

"Mr Crouch?". Barty leaped from his chair. Dorcas was at his side in seconds.

"Is he ok?" Dorcas asked shakily, sensing Bartys inability of speech. The doctor sighed.

"We did everything we could-". Barty screamed (if you want an idea of how he screams watch the clip attatched). It was a scream so painful even Dorcas who was silently breaking down, took a step away from him. Everyone in the waiting room watched as Barty collapsed onto the floor.

He'd screamed until his lungs were shaking in his body.

And Barty was 11 years old again.

Because of his dad, barty was coming in after the feast and everything. He had been sorted into slytherin though he had had no chance to meet anyone but he made his way to his assigned dorm and thrust open the door, prepared to ignore whoever was there. He was already outcasted from his peers, there was no point. Bartemius Crouch Sr would probarbly pull him out of the school soon anyway. His plan failed immediately. As soon as he opened the door, his eyes locked with a beautiful set of green ones.

"Your beds that one. The other guy in our room went out like an hour ago,". And the boy went back to his book. He seemed closed off and cold. Barty liked him already.

"What's your name?" Asked Barty.

"Evan Rosier. I know who you are, your dad's the bitch that runs the ministry, right?". Barty raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. I wasn't aware other people knew about his... personality,".

"Its not just his personality. He's a stupid prick who makes stupid decisions,". Barty smiled.

"Great minds think alike," he said. Evan grinned. "What're you reading?". Barty pulled off his top and collapsed onto Evans bed in his jeans, kicking his trainers off. Evans hand reached out to examine the golden chain around Bartys neck.

"Stupid politicians. Wanna bully them with me?". Barty laughed.

"Of course,".

And Barty was 14 years old again.

He awoke, feeling like he was being strangled for the 3rd time that week. He couldn't breathe. Everything was foggy. His whole body ached. But then there were arms around him, pulling him towards the body which they belonged to. Soft curls buries into his neck.

"Barty! Barty it's ok I'm here, what happened?!". Barty sat up quickly, finally feeling free to move.

"Evan," he breathed, drying his eyes on his vest. He didn't want Evan to see him crying. He didn't want to seem like a baby. He didn't want to tell Evan what happened. But he did because Evan was a light. Evan was the worlds brightest light that only shone happiness within it. So barty told him. And Evan held him until he fell asleep. From that day it became an unspoken agreement that Barty would sleep in Evans bed.

And Barty was 17 years old again.

"Evan," Barty murmured. Evan rolled over to face him. "I need to tell you something,".

"You can tell me anything, my princess," said Evan. His voice was beautiful. His eyes were beautiful. His hair was beautiful. His skin was beautiful. His lips...

His lips were kissable. Dangerously kissable. So Barty served them their rightful purpouse and kissed Evan. And Evan kissed him back.

When Barty woke up in the morning, Evan was gone. Regulus said Evan had gone to the library. Barty didn't belive that for a second. He went down to the lake and although it was 6:30am and most students were at breakfast at this time, Evan was there.

"Why did you run?" Asked Barty. Evan turned to look at him.

"Couldn't face you this early. I wasn't ready,".

"Ready... to face me?".

"To ruin our friendship,". Barty went to sit next to him and put his head on Evans shoulder.

"You didn't ruin our friendship, Ev," Barty murmured. "I kissed you first,". Evan sighed.

"You were half asleep, Barty, I doubt you were in your right mental state,".

"Why do you doubt it so much?" Said Barty. "I like you Evan. For reasons so universal I can't even explain it,". Evan smiled. A wary smile. He looked up at Barty.

"I like you too,".

And finally, Barty was 20. Voices above him. People. He didn't know who. He didn't know why. His body was aching. He wanted Evan.

He didn't remember anything after that except that Dorcas brought him home. The home he'd shared with Evan. She Held him. Called Regulus and Pandora. They held him. Alot of people came by the house to say their condolences. Alot of people were crying. Nobody cried more than Barty.

A month passed. Barty hardly left his bed. His qudditch team gave him 2 months off after Dorcas and Marlene had yelled down the phone for a few minutes about Barty needing rest and being "bed bound". When Barty did leave his bed, it was to get more drugs. Anything he could get his hands on. Normally very strong stuff. He smoked day and night. He slept alot. He didn't eat much.

He didn't eat at all.

For weeks. The funeral came and went. Barty didn't go. People brought back food. Barty didn't eat it. He ate infront of Regulus when he was able to get him to eat but as soon as Reg was gone, he'd throw it right back up.

Days later he died.

He was buried beside Evan.

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