◇Rosekiller◇ • On the train

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• image by @sophithil on IG

Barty dyed his hair. It was black before and he'd decided to change it a little, adding green to the front just to show his Slytherin pride and also, it was his favourite colour. He'd been complimented on it by Pandora who he had visited during the holidays at a time when Evan wasn't at home and Dorcas who he'd gone to dye his hair with (she'd been buying beads for her dreadlocks when Barty had seen the green hair dye and decided he must have it). She'd been the one to fix up the bits he hadn't reached properly so really, he owed her alot.

His mother, who hated to come to places filled with witches and wizards as she felt she didn't fit in, had just left him so he had free reign. Barty had just seen Regulus, Sirius, James and Remus on the platform so he'd bounded over to go and show them. Sirius had squealed and said it was "so bloody cool!". James had agreed and said Barty looked pretty with it. Regulus had said it matched his eyes which were also a dark green (naturally) and that is was "absolutely stunning darling, I can't think of anything better suited for you- bright green hair". Remus had shrugged and said it was cute. He wasn't really one for compliments so this was enough for Barty. He and Sirius were currently chatting about the upcoming year and Barty's exams which he was to sit as well. He wasn't nervous, no, just not looking forward to the boring time after finishing in which he'd have to wait for everyone else to finish. Sirius was giving him tips on how to fly through those boring hours, also giving him a notebook in which he could doodle and make paper airplanes if he got bored. It wasn't better than talking to his friends but it was better than sitting in dead silence doing nothing, with just the sound of quills on parchment for comfort. They were looking through some of Sirius' exam drawings (mostly outfit doodles (there was a couples outfit Sirius had designed for himself and Remus)) when someone's arms snaked around Barty's waist. Fuck he'd missed him.

"Hey," The voice came. Barty grinned.

"Hey, Ev, what do you think of my hair?". Evan pulled back from Barty and stepped round to inspect it.

"It's alright," he said, shrugging, though there was a smirk on his face.

"Ev, don't be like that, tell me how you really feel," said Barty, hands on hips. Evans smirk grew and he bent down to whisper in Barty's ear: "i can hardly wait to pull that hair down so your pretty pink lips are in line with my cock,". Barty couldn't help the whimper that escaped his mouth as Evan kissed his jaw lightly, hands on his waist. Fuck fuck fuck.

"They're worse than us, Moony, at least I don't infront of my parents," Sirius said, grinning and indicating to Effie and Monty.

"Purely because I can't even touch you around them otherwise you- well you know what happens,".

"Depends where you touch,". Barty decided to tune out their argument and turned back to Evan.

"Should we go er... find a compartment?".

"To ourselves?".

"Whatever you want,". Evan grinned.

"Alright,". And to an empty compartment they went.

Who knew sex on a train was just the sexiest thing known to earth inhabitants?

Barty didn't.

Who knew the risk was so thrilling?

Barty didn't.

Who knew how Evan tasted?

Barty did. And as long as he knew that much, everything was going as it should.

AN: litterally 600 words, just had the idea and had to write it as happens with a few of my stories. I'm also trying to post new chapters on all my stories (including on my other account) this week so just thought if I had the idea, I might as well, right? Also I'm so sorry I havent proof read it so it's a bit odd.

ROSEKILLER, JEGULUS AND WOLFSTAR oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now