◇Rosekiller◇ • He comes first (PART 2)

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"He seemed fine? Almost like he was expecting it," said Barty, following Regulus up the stairs to the dorm.

"Expecting it? Barty, no one really expects to be broken up with," said Regulus. Barty shrugged.

"Well he said if that's what makes me happy then it's fine. Obviously I feel bad but I don't think we should both go in and console him about it when we're the problem," he said. Regulus snorted.

"We're his friends, it's a bit different," said Regulus, slowly opening the door.

Evan was asleep already by the looks of it but why on the floor? maybe he took the breakup harder than Barty anticipated.

"Ev? Evan? wake up," said Regulus, kneeling down beside Evans motionless body. Barty also went over and blew on Evans eyes. That always woke him up even from the deepest of sleeps. But this time it didn't. Evan stayed lying on the floor, not moving, not breathing.

"Ev? hey, Barty, grab that thing under the bed, it might help," Regulus said, indicating under Evans bed. Barty crawled over and reached under, his hand clasping around a small bottle.

It was empty. Barty scanned it before his eyes laid on the title.

It was a Muggle thing that Barty remembered Evan explaining to him a few days ago.

"What is that? the thing your eating?" asked Barty, reaching out for the pot. Evan handed it to him. It was full.

"Paracetamol. I wouldn't expect you to know it, it's a Muggle thing, my love. I take it for my headaches," said Evan. Barty raised an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't you just use a spell?".

"Spells on your head are quite dangerous so usually I'd take a potion," Said Evan. Barty raised an eyebrow. "I've run out. Need to get more from Pomfrey but this is my backup just in case,". Barty grinned.

"Can I take some?".

"You shouldn't take it if you haven't got a headache,". Barty frowned.

"Please Ev, just one,".

"You're meant to take two. Two at any given time otherwise it's an overdose,".

"Overdose? What happens to you if you overdose?".

"Depends how much but the whole bottle... probably kill you in seconds,".-

"-REGULUS?!" Barty yelled. "HE'S DEAD!".

"No I think he's just unconscious Barty," Regulus murmured, moving Evans head to his lap and reaching for his wand. "I'm sending a patronous to Madam Pomfrey and let her know what's happened, we-".

"Regulus, shut up about your patronous I'm being serious! He's taken the whole box, Reg, he's-!".

"Barty, calm down! What do you mean hes taken the whole box, what is it?!".

"MEDICINE, YOU FUCKING IDIOT, HES ONLY MEANT TO TAKE TWO!". Regulus was taken aback for a moment and then said:

"Barty, no,".

"REGULUS FUCKING LISTEN TO ME! YOU'RE NOT LISTENING, FUCKING LISTEN! I SAID HES FUCKING DEAD AND HES NOT COMING BACK EVER AND ITS ALL MY FAULT!". Barty curled up beside Evans body, burying his head in his blonde curls. Regulus took his hand.

"Barty we have to call madam Pomfrey," he said, slowly. Barty knew Regulus didn't believe Evan was dead. Actually he was doing everything in his power to convince himself he wasnt.

But the truth hurt.

"Go and get her then," he muttered. There was tears rolling down his cheeks that Regulus wiped before leaving.

Then Barty crawled his way over to Evan's trunk.

There was another pot in there somewhere, he'd seen it the other day. Maybe... it had to be... under some clothes... could've been in the very bottom...


It was here in his hands now.

He could go back to Evan.

The guilt. It couldn't eat him up anymore.

Him and Ev could stay together like they were always meant to.

Barty shouldn't of left. Then Evan wouldn't of left.

So Barty opened the pot, tipped his head back and...

everything went black.

A/N: this was my take on a part 2, was a bit harder than I expected to write the end but I finished it anyway.

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