☆Wolfstar☆ • The Incident (PART 2)

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"Remus, we're gonna go down and get some breakfast. You wanna come with us or are you gonna stay here?".

"I... I wanna be here when he wakes up,". There was a pause and then:

"Are you ready to forgive him yet?".

"Dunno. It hurt but... I guess it's my fault for expecting higher from him than I could've ever got,".

"He loves you, Moony. Seriously, I think he'd rather never wake up than you not forgive him,".

"Actions speak louder than words, Prongs-".

"He cried himself nearly to death, Remus, think about it like that,".

"I have. But his tears aren't going to make Snape forget what he saw it's not going to change the fact that I almost fucking killed you because of this idiots carelessness!". There was silence for a moment before one of them spoke again.

"Just... talk to him when he wakes up. Make sure he knows your sorry for bringing his family into it,".

"It was a heat of the moment comment-".

"So was his to Snape!".

"But that one was life threatening wasn't it! Did you or did you not find yourself face to face with a werewolf following that 'heat of the moment' comment?!". A sigh.

"I'm gonna go down with Pete,". Then the door shut. Sirius peeked his head out of the curtain. Remus wasn't facing him, he was looking at the door, fiddling with his curls as he tended to do when he was nervous. Then he did something Sirius really wasn't expecting.

He lifted his jumper and threw it to the side, rolling his shoulders. Fuck there were alot of muscles. Sirius couldn't help the gaps that came out of his mouth and Remus whipped around to face him.

"Black? I didn't know you were awake," said Remus, slowly. He came over and dug around in the trunk beside the bed. That meant Sirius must've been in his bed. Shit. He knew it smelt familiar.

"I woke up a while ago. When you were talking to James," Said Sirius, trying and failing not to admire the mans bare chest which had a scar going across it. Sirius watched as he applied some sort of cream to that paticular scar. It must've been a fresh one. Then he rolled his shoulders again.

"What's wrong with your shoulders?" Asked Sirius. Remus glanced at him. Sirius didn't miss the small glint in his eye.

"Tense muscles that's all," he murmured.

"Are you still angry at me?".

"A smidge less. Only because you're unwell, I pity you. And I regret what I said about your family". Sirius snorted.

"its fine. it was a 'heat of the moment' comment, wasn't it?". Remus sighed.

"So you really heard everything. Still, I shouldn't mention them. Its not your fault you were raised in that shit place and you dont try to use it as an excuse for your behaviours at all,".

"I feel as though you're trying to make yourself the problem as usual when you really shouldnt in this situation. I was in the wrong for the whole snape thing and as stupid as this is gonna sound, i deserved everything you said to me, it was all 100% true and i can completley understand if you never wanna talk to me again!" Sirius exclaimed. Remus sighed. He rolled his shoulders yet again and this time, he winced from the pain.

"Could i... massage your shoulders for you?". Remus smirked.

"Go on then,". Sirius stood off the bed so Remus could lie, face down, and Sirius could straddle his hips. Sirius was a master at massages. He couldnt pinpoint why or at what point in life he'd ever had any encounter with anything remotely massage related to have encouraged this skill. It was this massaging skill actually that had began Sirius' feelings for Remus. The touch... it was... alot. They had to be close and so Sirius partly just took it as an opportunity to be as near to Remus as possible.

He readied his fingers nearer to Remus' neck and pressed down lightly, not enough to hurt but enough to have an impact. Remus made a sound of relief in the back of his throat. Sirius was struggling to hold back similar sounds but not from relief, rather the sight before him was amazing. Remus' curls were messy and adorably so, his back, his muscles, his arms, his neck. Fuck. He really was a work of art. Then, unexpectedly, Remus turned around and looked Sirius directly in the eye.

"Sirius," Remus breathed out. Sirius groaned, quietly. Merlin, the way Remus had said his name. He decided to go lower, making his lips level with Remus' ear.


"It is your fault," Remus started. He and Sirius locked eyes. Sirius found himself moving closer. "But I think... I forgive you,".

Sirius' lips brushed against Remus' neck.

"Thank you," he murmured. Remus smirked, an eyebrow raised.

"Oh no, the forgiveness comes with terms and conditions, my star," he said. Sirius blushed. It was a nickname Remus only used for Sirius when it truly mattered. It was, for Remus and Sirius, their peak levels of verbal affection: "my moon" and "my star".

"I'll do anything, Moony,". Remus smiled. A sinister smile. Merlin, Sirius was starting to wonder how many times over he would fall for Remus John Lupin.

"Anything you say? Well after a massage- (Remus moved Sirius off and stood) - I like to have a nice, hot, steamy shower. And I want you to join me. That way, I'll truly be able to tell if you're sorry,".

Because Remus couldn't stay mad at someone for something he had no longer the power to change when he loved the person that much. Remus and Sirius had essentially been a couple when the whole thing occurred, one of them just had to get the guts to actually tell the other so they would both stop assuming the other didn't like them.

So Sirius did in fact, join Remus in the shower. And well... they left the shower somehow less clean than they had entered.

(A/N: clean in a sense of purity, obviously they showered after doing anything "fun" in the shower. Anyways this was my part 2, I didn't know how to put months between the time Remus forgave Sirius and the actual incident so I of course decided to just get them together. A bit quick because I don't believe Remus would've forgiven Sirius that fast so I might try rewriting a part 2, this is just the one I've got for now)

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