☆Wolfstar☆ • We're Together, As In Boyfriends

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Sirius admits hes gay to James. Sirius admits his crush on Remus to James. James discovers theres more to it than that.

(Sirius pov)

"moony," Sirius murmured, looking up to his boyfriend. Remus shuffled so he could look at Sirius properly, not moving his arm from around his waist. Sirius blushed. Although the two had been dating for about a month, Sirius still adored the way Remus would care for him at these times: late at night after sirius couldn't fall asleep from fear of those horrible nightmares.

"Whats the matter, Pads?" Remus asked him.

"I want to tell James...". Remus raised an eyebrow.

"Tell him what?".

"Not about me and you," Sirius said hurriedly. "I want to tell him im uh... gay... i suppose,".

"When?" He asked. Sirius buried his head more into Remus' chest. He was grateful Remus didnt ask any in depth questions.

"I don't know," he murmured.

"Thats ok. Just tell him when you're ready, " Remus said.

"But what if he works out about... us? Because well-".

"-Thats fine,".


"Yes, Sirius, its fine. If he doesnt work it out, we're gonna tell him one day anyway arent we?". Sirius smiled.

"Yeah... yeah we are,".


(James Pov)

"Moony! How're you feeling?" Asked James, flopping down onto the chair beside Remus' bed. Remus sighed.

"Perfectly fine, Prongs, as usual. You lot didn't need to come you know," Said Remus. Sirius plopped himself down right beside Remus, resting his head on the other boys shoulder.

"We always come. And you say this everytime. And we still come after that, " Sirius said. Remus rolled his eyes.

"I could just start telling Madam Pomfrey to not let you in," he pointed out. Peter, who was sat on the chair at the foot of the bed, eating chocolates, then spoke up.

"By the way, Remus, a bunch of 7th year girls were asking of you," he said, chewing happily.

"What?!" Sirius cried.

"Why?" Remus asked. James laughed.

"Haven't slept with them have you, Remus?".

"Well not recently,". Then it was all the marauders turn to shout: "What?!".

"What? It almost offends me how confused you all are," said Remus.

"Would that explain the group of boys who came to find you as well?" asked James. "The other day in the library when we were studying charms,".

"oh," Remus looked thoughtful. "Could've been fags,". James raised an eyebrow but settled down to go through some of the books, ideas and notes Regulus had given him for pranks. Not that his friends knew where he got them from. James would be killed, should Sirius find out he was shagging his younger brother.

Occasionally when he looked up, he noticed Sirius just watching Remus as he slept. He stared at him like he was the brightest light in the galaxy. Like he solely held the ability to keep Sirius alive. The way he looked at him was filled with adoration, lust and...

"PADFOOT!" James exclaimed. Remus stirred slightly as Sirius sat up, effectively moving away. And Remus pulled him back, wrapping an arm around Sirius' waist. And Sirius blushed. How had James missed this?!

"What's the matter, Prongs?" asked Sirius, although James knew Sirius knew what the problem was beyond even the problem itself.

"You..." James' eyes flicked to Peter who was also asleep, curled at the bottom of the bed. "You like Moony?". Sirius had told James earlier that day that he was gay but had ultimately refused to tell James who his crush was. James refused as well but for completely different reasons.

"Well... it's a little more than that," Sirius murmured, blushing. James was thoroughly confused.

"What do you mean?!" he asked.

"James stop yelling. We're together, as in going out, as in dating, as in boyfriends. Now shut your mouth, I'm trying to sleep!" Remus grumbled, pulling Sirius even closer to him. James' mouth fell open.


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