◇Rosekiller◇ • His Life

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Clearly it was all a dream.

Barty didn't love him.

Barty loved Black.

Evan would never admit he was in love with Barty Crouch Jr.

But that cost him his life.

His heart went broke.

Barty loved Black.

Because it wasn't a shock to Evan when they came in holding hands, Black whispering to Barty and making him giggle.

It was expected, when you think about the alphabet: A first, B second for Black, C third for Crouch and how far was fucking R for Rosier from those letters.

"We decided to make it official!" exclaimed Barty, grinning at Evan as he sat down. Evan only watched them for a short while, feeding each other breakfast, before he got up and said he was leaving.

And leaving he was.

He was leaving everything.

His sister Pandora, his crush Bartemius Jr, his friends, his ex-best friend Regulus, his shitty parents,

his scars,

his pain,

his trauma,

his blood,

his life.

A/N: again this makes no sense but I realised shit I haven't posted in ages so I wrote this with whatever came to mind, couldn't tell you why but i prefer writing the sad ones? feel free to give me prompts and I will write them because I am slightly suffering from writers block, anyways yeah :'). *shocker this wasn't even 200 words* (without the A/N)

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