☆Wolfstar☆ • Young love

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Sirius was nervous. His first day of Hogwarts was today and he didn't know how it would go. He didnt know how he was supposed to get through without Regulus. He and Regulus had done everything with eachother since they were born, it just felt...


Anyway he was excited still as he got onto the train, having just left a crying regulus on the platform. He'd told him he loved him. Regulus was crying too much to say it back but his tears were enough. Then mother had forced them apart and practically dragged Sirius into the train. He was alone now though after a quick slap round the head and an icy warning to be good and tourjus pur and all that bullshit.

He had been sat in a compartment alone for about 3 minutes, attempting not to feel uncomfortable in the silence although there was no one there, when 2 boys walked in. One had dark brown hair and slightly darker skin with brown eyes. The other had blonde hair and pale skin with grey/blue eyes. Said boys were now sat opposite him after having introduced themselves as James and Peter. Well James introduced both himself and Peter but that didn't matter because Sirius didn't want him to stop speaking anyway. He and James were bouncing off each other so well it was like... a long lost brother. Like a second half of a soul being returned to the deprived owner. It was strange at first, this new connection, but Sirius found he couldn't have found a better person to have met. Peter was great too with his added dry humorous comments between statements but it was a bit different with him.

The 3 were talking about Quidditch 10 minutes into the journey when the door was thrust open, slammed and then the person who had completed these actions collapsed in the empty space next to Sirius. Sirius didn't think he knew him but he couldn't see his face due to the big hood from his hoodie. Very muggle clothing?

"Oh you found us! Er... are you alright?" James asked. Sirius figured James knew the boy.

"Yeah, fucking perfect," the boy grumbled. He spoke with such a London accent yet it was clear he wasn't originally from London. Sirius didn't know many places but he was sure this boy had some Welsh in him.

"Did you er... find him?".

"Yeah," the boy replied. He sounded like he was smiling. "Mauled his head into the floor and now his stupid girlfriend is hunting for me,". Peter giggled. James frowned. Sirius wondered what was funny about mauling someones head into the floor but he ignored the comment. Suddenly, the boy took sirius completely by surprise, took down his hood and turned to Sirius. Wow.

He had light brown (slightly blonde ends) curls thats fell delicately infront of his eyes. His eyes themselves where golden. Sirius wasnt sure if it was just the afternoon sun hitting them or if they truly shone like that. He had tanned skin, probarbly from the summer. There was a scar on his cheek and freckles over his nose. His lips were pink and slightly chapped.

"Whos you?". Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"Sirius Black," he said. "And you are?". The boy snorted.

"Knew i recognised your face. Im Lupin," he said. Sirius scrunched his nose. Lupin huh?

"What do you mean you recognise my face?" He asked. Lupin leaned back and rested his head on the wall, closing his eyes. Sirius took this as a sign that he may not get an answer but he was never one to accept being ignored so he crawled up onto his knees and blew on one of Lupins eyes.

"Ah!" He exclaimed, sitting up quickly. Sirius smirked, having successfully gained Lupins attention. Lupin rolled his eyes and leaned back again but he turned his head to Sirius.

"I saw you and that tall woman on the platform,". Sirius flushed. He hated the thought of Lupin seeing his mother. And his father but his mother hardly looked human nowadays. She looked more... like a vulture. Yeah. A fucking evil, man eating bird.

"Oh. That was my mother," Sirius mumbled. Lupin glanced at him sideways.

"Potter, have you got siblings?" Asked Lupin, suddenly, taking even Sirius by suprise. Sirius wondered why Lupin didnt seem to bother with names. James shook his head.

"I really want siblings though, that's why me and Pete are so close," said James.

"so your an only child as well?" asked Lupin, pointing to Peter. Peter shifted uncomfortably.

"Not really-".

"Not really?".

"I've got an older sister but she's er...".

"She's a squib," Sirius supplied, putting a hand on Remus' shoulder. Peter went very red and James raised an eyebrow. Sirius only knew because he remembered his parents talking about the Pettigrew's being a disgrace to the sacred 28 due to their unfortunate daughter.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Pete," James said. Lupin sighed.

"Yeah, make sure Potter tells you before people like Snape can get in your head and tell you different," he said. Peter, James and Sirius glanced at each other.

Near the end of the journey (there was about 45 minutes left), Sirius was the only on awake. And then Lupin woke up. Sirius had had his head on Lupins shoulder, pretending to be asleep but the second he felt Lupin stirring he began to rethink that decision. If he moved, Lupin would know he was awake the whole time. If he didn't move, there was the off chance Lupin would push him off and think he was... well... into him or something. Which he wasn't. Of course not. Certainly not?

"Black?" Remus murmured. His voice was raspy as he was whispering straight after waking up but Sirius found he didn't mind. In fact he found his body reacting to it in ways he didn't understand. His stomach felt like it was moving in circular motions. His mouth felt dry.

"Oi, Black. You alright?" Asked Lupin. He put a hand on his thigh. Sirius jumped away.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine Lupin".

"Did you sleep?". Lupin lifted his hand and held Sirius' face by his chin, scanning his face. Then they locked eyes.

"No- yeah! yeah I did,". Lupin smirked.

"Whatever you say, Black,". Sirius scowled. He hated being referred to as "Black" usually but again, he found he didn't mind when Lupin did it.

"Why dont you bother with names?" Asked Sirius, suddenly curious.

"Difficult to remember my own name, whats the bloody point?" Remus grumbled. Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"And my mother?".

"What? I dont know-".

"No. Earlier, when I told you the woman on the platform was my mother, you acted like i hadn't spoken and started asking us about our siblings," said Sirius. Remus smiled. A small smile. A sweet smile. It reminded Sirius of chocolate cake and grated chocolate and chocolate icing and chocolate everything...

"You didn't wanna talk about it clearly. Your eyes shut down," Replied Remus. "When you do wanna talk about it, I'm here, Black,". Sirius flushed and looked away, freeing himself of Remus' surprisingly loose grasp.

"Thanks," he murmured.


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