Remulus • (Random) Regulus Black

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Idk i just decided Regulus deserves it, a bit random but oh well, i had the idea in my head, i apologise in advance for how odd this may be.

It was after the incident. Regulus, being Remus' best friend, was the person Remus spent most of his time with when Jame was with Sirius. Most of the time they were in the library. Sometimes they were in the shack. It was easier to go there since the other marauders couldn't locate him on the map. It was also easier as they spent some time putting enforcement charms on certain items to strengthen them beyond the wolf . It meant they could also decorate the shack a bit nicer for their time in there.

On one occasion they were in the shack, they lay in the beaten up bed together, reading books they had picked up from the library a few days prior. It was normal for them to lie in the bed together and sometimes, without even realising, they'd end up cuddled beside each other, casting wordless heating charms.

At this moment, Remus had his arm around a sleeping Regulus, his other hand holding his wand which was levitating his book for him. Remus looked at Regulus who's head was on his chest. He was a pretty boy: sharp, defined cheekbones, thick black lashes, light freckles, dark hair.

"You couldnt be less discreet with your staring, Lupin," Regulus muttered. Remus fell out of his trance at hearing Regulus' voice. He had thought the boy was asleep.

"How would you know i was staring at you if you weren't staring at me?" Remus asked, a small smile on his face. Regulus reached up and brushed his thumb over Remus cheek.

"I never said i wasnt," He said, innocently.

And that was the first time they kissed.

It soon became like an unspoken agreement that they were in a way "Friends With Benefits" until Remus was ready to forgive Sirius. And both boys knew the day was come; Remus couldnt be away from Sirius for too long and he was starting to realise he wasnt even angry any more he was just holding the grudge because he knew it would make sirius upset. But even then, was that what Remus wanted? To see someone he cared about so upset all the time. He spoke to Regulus about this and to be straightforward, it didnt go how Remus thought it would.

"What do you mean? If you arent angry and both of you are upset theres an easy solution," Regulus murmured, stroking Remus' hair lightly. Remus sighed, hitting his head on the table once more. They were in the libary, sat opposite each other.

"But wouldnt... wouldnt you be upset?" Asked remus. Regulus snorted.

"Im used to losing people, Rem. I'd hate to be the reason you and my brother never smile at each other again," he said. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Dont talk like that, Reg. We'll still be best friends," remus said. Regulus smirked.

"Oh yeah of course. I've got someone else ahead of you anyway," he said. At this, Remus sat up.

"Who?" He asked. Regulus raised his eyebrows.

"You live with the guy and you havent noticed his constant absences?" He queried. Remus was confused. Sirius was his brother. Peter had a girlfriend and was 100% straight. So that left...


"Oh wip, dip, doo congratulations, Lupin," Regulus said. "Besides the point, I expect you to go and clear things up with sirius then,". Remus was in shock. How could somebody be so backhanded but so fronthanded at the same time??

"Who the fuck are you?" Remus grumbled. Regulus smiled, a devilish, evil smile.

"Regulus Arcturus Black,".

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