☆Wolfstar☆ • Fif-Fucking-Teen

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"Remus. You're turn next!" said Mary, grinning.

"Is it?" Remus muttered drily. Mary rolled her eyes, probably about to say something witty back when Marlene jumped.

"Mary, I've got one!" she exclaimed. Mary beckoned for Marlene to whisper in her ear, which she did. Sirius was near to shaking. There was few things that scared him in life but not being loved was a main. And he had grown to realise not being loved by Remus was painful. And they were playing a game of truths where Sirius was sure, after all thenh times he, Mary, Lily and Marlene had discussed Remus and Sirius' feelings for him, he was bound to come up. Lily smiled at Sirius but there was a glint in her eyes Sirius didn't like very much.

A/N but not really: They had mixed verutiserum with their glasses of firewisky so they had to sip before answering whatever question was given. It was Mary's idea because she said she didn't want to do dares tonight. The 7 of them (Mary, Marlene, Lily, Sirius, Remus, James and Peter) had agreed on doing a dare if you refused to answer the question rather than answering a question if you refused to do a dare.

"Right girls, what's my question?" asked Remus, already picking up his cup.

"You don't know what the question is yet, don't drink!" cried James.

"I'm on a streak, Potter and I don't plan to break it," Remus answered, smirking slyly and taking a sip of his drink. James laughed.

"Remussss," Mary called, giggling to herself. "Oh remuussss,".

"Yes, Mary,". Mary nudged Marlene who nudged Lily who rolled her eyes and looked back at Remus with a dead stare.

"How many boys have you shagged.,". Peter gasped. James turned to the girls, shocked. Sirius froze. Mary and Marlene cackled with laughter. Lily sat watching Remus, arms folded.

"Well let me see.... of the top of my head I'd think 9 but realistically and what is the truth is 15," said Remus, slowly.

"FIFTEEN?! FIF-FUCKING-TEEN?!" Sirius yelled, standing up. Remus glanced at him.

"Yeah, fif-fucking-teen, Sirius. What, did you wanna be 16th?". Sirius paused again. Instead of giving Remus an answer, he left the room. Remus wasn't getting an answer. Never. Sirius didn't want to be 16th he wanted to be fucking 1st?! It was outrageous. It was despicable. It was-

"Sirius you were first, if you were wondering,". Sirius had found himself in the empty common room, slumped on the sofa. He looked up, glaring at Remus.

"What the fuck are you talking about?".

"We shagged. Once. Over the summer, remember. In my bedroom. And then you fell asleep and i left and we just didn't talk after for like ages,".

"Yes I remember you prat, you didn't have to remind me. But that couldn't of been your first,". Remus smirked.


"Well- it was good. Good enough that it couldn't of been your first. And the belt shit,".

"Basic magic. And anyway, Sirius, we were drunk. I would've rathered be sober and do it... well... less aggressive and-".

"I don't mind aggressive,". Remus glanced at Sirius and Sirius laughed.

"Why are you looking at me like that, goodness Rem its almost like you've seen prey,". Remus raised an eyebrow.

"Call it what you want. Prey, dinner but I'm gonna eat you eventually either way," he said, grinning. Sirius was about to say something when Remus put a finger to his lips.

"Later," he said. And left the room.

"REMUS DONT YOU FUCKING DARE!" Sirius yelled chasing him up the stairs.

A/N: got bored. realised I last updated ages ago. also realised its been sad shit for too long so decided to give you this horny weird shit instead. doesn't make much sense and I'm not proof reading it because it's just too weird even though I wrote it. Sirius' exclamation was so important I had to make it the title but is it a bit strange? I'm working on another one right now! Hope you enjoyed anyway.....

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